

Although technically there is a breaking change in this version of v8, I've decided against bumping a major version number since the change does not affect functionality of the package.

To allow for more flexibility for dark mode configuration in Tailwind, a new dark-mode Tailwind plugin has been added, which you will need to add to your project's Tailwind config file. If your app does not support dark mode, you don't need to worry about this change.

// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
    plugins: [
        // ...

The dark-mode.css file has also been removed, so if you were manually pulling that into your stylesheets, you will need to remove the reference to it.

Several breaking changes were introduced in v8. Please read the following carefully before upgrading. This list may not be fully comprehensive, so be sure to check the full changelog for all changes that have been made. Feel free to PR any important changes that may be missing in this upgrade guide.

v8 of laravel-form-components now requires a minimum Laravel version of 9.0. Be sure to update your project to at least that version.

If you have the package's config file published, be sure to update it to be compatible with the new config. Here are some notable changes to the config file in v8:

  • components is now just a simple key/value array of component aliases to class names. Any config to a component done here is now moved to the defaults key.
  • defaults has been added to allow setting default values for common component options. Be sure to refer to the config file for a complete list of available defaults.
  • the assets key has been removed, as the package will no longer load in 3rd party cdn assets anymore. Be sure to load them in yourself if you were relying on this in your project.
  • the link_vendor_cdn_assets key has also been removed.

In v8, the package will no longer pull in 3rd party CDN assets for you anymore. We have removed the @fcScripts and @fcStyles directives, since they are not needed anymore. We have also renamed the @fcJavaScript directive to @fcScripts. This directive will only load the JS that is written by the package to power some components.

If using a directive isn't your style, you may also us the new <fc:scripts /> self-closing tag to load in the package's JS.

If you were overriding component definitions to modify their styles, you may not need to do that anymore. In v8, we have removed any Tailwind classes from the markup in the components, and are instead using @apply in the package's CSS to apply the styles to custom class names. This should make it easier to override styles in your own project. Some custom class names for components have changed as well, so if you are styling them in your own project, you will want to reference the component's markup to get the updated class names.

We've also introduced a number of CSS variables to our stylesheets, which you can override in your own project's CSS to customize many certain aspects of the components using variables instead. A full reference to the CSS variables can be found in the variables.css file.

The form-checkbox-group CSS class is now always applied to the checkbox group component, whether it is stacked or not.

The custom select component has been re-written in v8. Here are some notable differences:

  • Customizing option display in the menu has changed. See customizing the option display for more info.
  • Customizing the selected option has changed. See customizing the selected option display for more info.
  • is_opt_group has been deprecated for determining if an option is an "opt group" on custom-select. Provide a non-empty array of "children" on the option itself now. See Opt Groups for more info.
  • The name-value-manually-updated listener has been removed, as it's not needed.
  • closeOnSelect has been removed. The component will now automatically close on single selects, but stay open for multi-selects when selecting an option.
  • If you were rendering "opt groups" for custom select, you should not flatten your array of options anymore. Custom select will now determine opt groups by the presence of children on an option now.

The switch toggle component's markup has been simplified. It now uses a native checkbox input and a single div which relies on Tailwind's peer classes for styling. Some props, such as $labelPosition have been removed. Please refer to the component's documentation for a complete rundown of how to use it in v8.

The way you define filepond callbacks has changed slightly. To define a callback now, you will want to use the config slot. Inside the slot, you will have access to three JS variables: instance, options, and pondOptions. The instance variable is the Alpine data object for the component, and the options variable is the options object that is passed to the component. Here's an example of how you could hook into Filepond's oninit callback:

<x-slot:config> oninit() { console.log('init', instance); }, </x-slot:config>

If you were registering plugins in the plugins slot, you will need to move that logic somewhere else, as we have removed this slot. See Plugins for more information.

The watch-value attribute has been removed. Now any changes to a wire:model value will always be picked up by the component.

Similar to the FilePond component, the way you define Quill callbacks and options has changed slightly. To define a callback now, you will want to use the config slot. You will have access to the instance and quillOptions variables. instance is the Alpine data object for the component, and quillOptions is the options object that is passed to the component. Here is an example of how you could define a handler for a custom toolbar button:

    toolbarHandlers: { variables: function (value) { const cursorPosition =
    this.quill.getSelection().index; this.quill.insertText(cursorPosition,
    value); this.quill.setSelection(cursorPosition +value.length); }, },

If you were listening for a quill-input event to be dispatched from the component, you will need to change it to input. If you are using x-model to bind the value, you may not need that listener at all since the component has changed how it dispatches and updates values in v8.

A defaults static constructor has been added to QuillOptions, which should always be used to when defining the Quill options you are using. If you are familiar with the Password class in Laravel, this is similar to that. The defaults constructor can be used in a service provider to define default options you always want to use for Quill. Here's a quick example of how you could force the "bold" button to always be hidden in your AppServiceProvider.

public function boot()
        return (new \Rawilk\FormComponents\Dto\QuillOptions)->hideBold();

Now when you go to use QuillOptions, you can just call QuillOptions::defaults(), and the bold toolbar button will always be hidden.

The withToolbarButton signature has changed in this configuration object. The $handler parameter has been removed in favor of defining the handler in the config slot as shown above.

If you wanted to define a variables toolbar button for config example above for Quill, you would do it like this:

QuillOptions::defaults()->withToolbarButton('variables', [
    'Option 1',
    'Option 2',

Please refer to the Quill component documentation for more information on how to use this.

If you need to define custom flatpickr callbacks, you need to use the config slot now. For example, if you need to define a custom callback for the onOpen event that is fired by flatpickr, you would do it like this:

    onOpen: function (selectedDates, dateStr, instance) { // do something here.

See the callbacks section on date-picker for more information.

The CSS class given to a form group when it is considered inline has changed to form-group--inline.

The custom-select-label prop has been removed. Form group will automatically give focus to custom selects now when the label is clicked on.

The \Rawilk\FormComponents\Support\TimeZoneRegion class has been deprecated in favor of the \Rawilk\FormComponents\Support\TimeZoneRegionEnum class. If you are running Php 8.1 or higher, it is recommended to update your code to use the enum class instead. If you are running an older version of Php, you can continue to use the old class, but it will be removed in a future release.

The file upload component now renders as a native file upload element instead of using a custom button. Because of this, the label prop as been removed since the text of a native file input is not customizable.

The trailing-addon prop and slot will now behave like the leading-addon prop on components, which will render the text inside a light gray background next to the input. If you want to the text to be inside the input, use the trailing-inline-addon prop/slot instead.

The inline-addon-padding and trailing-addon-padding props have been removed for all inputs. To customize the padding on either side of the input when an inline addon is present, override either the --inline-addon-pl or --inline-addon-pr CSS variables instead. Refer to Inline Addon for more information.

v7 of laravel-form-components now requires a minimum Laravel version of 8.70. Be sure to update your project to at least that version.

In v7 we have moved our styles to the resources/css directory of this package to help simplify things a little. By default, all styles from the package are imported into the index.css stylesheet, which you can then reference in your own stylesheets. Be sure to update your stylesheet reference to something like this:

@import "../../vendor/rawilk/laravel-form-components/resources/css/index.css";

The custom select component has been revamped in v7, and as a result some breaking changes were introduced. The following changes should be updated in your own codebase to continue using this component:

  • textField is now called labelField
  • The valueField and labelField default values have changed to id and name, respectively
  • The min and max props have changed to minSelected and maxSelected, respectively
  • "Opt Group" options no longer need to contain the group's options, as they won't be rendered automatically. You should flatten your options to a single level now.
  • wire-listeners is no longer included for updating dependant selects. Your dependant selects should be re-rendered to reflect an update to options now.

v6 of laravel-form-components now requires a minimum Laravel version of 8.56. Be sure to update your project to at least that version.

In v6, you must publish any package views you want to override instead of specifying a different view in the config. This was done to help simplify the package config and how the base BladeComponent class determines the view to render. You are still free to override any component classes in the config, however.

Not a breaking change, but the package now defines the form-components namespace in addition to providing aliases for each component in the config. You will now be able to reference components either as <x-form> or as <x-form-components::form> if you choose to.

The biggest breaking change in version 5 is changing support from alpine.js v2 to v3. This should require only minimal effort however in terms of updating the package. Based on the upgrade guide from Alpine.js, here is what you should need to do if you are importing Alpine from NPM:

import Alpine from "alpinejs";

window.Alpine = Alpine;


This won't affect you if you are using the CDN scripts from the configuration.

If you choose to import the compiled styles for this package into your own stylesheets, you can now import a minified stylesheet instead if you want to:

@import "../../vendor/rawilk/laravel-form-components/resources/js/laravel-form-components-styles/dist/styles.min.css";

See customizing css for more information.

Version 4 introduced some breaking changes, which are outlined below:

In v4, laravel-form-components is now inlining a lot of the class names for form components instead of using @apply in a stylesheet with a custom class name. For backwards compatibility, the custom class names are still included with each component to prevent breaking any style overrides you may have written.

Another major change with the styling is laravel-form-components now uses a single .css stylesheet for any complex styles required instead of using .sass stylesheets. This will allow the usage of postcss and/or tailwind's JIT compiler in your projects with these styles. If you're still using SASS, you should still be able to pull the styles in as you were before; you'll just need to update the path to the stylesheet.

In addition, we have stopped using the primary and danger variant names in favor of blue and red respectively. Be sure to update your tailwind config and stylesheets accordingly.

For more info on styling, please see the Customizing CSS section.

Some components, such as the custom-select component, have a dependency on Popper.js now for positioning the menu. This will require you to ensure that dependency is installed in your project. If you customized the package's configuration file, you should make sure you pull in any updates to the configuration as well.

See the custom select docs for more information.

One change for the custom-select component is it no longer has the fixed-position attribute on it. It now relies on Popper.js for positioning the menu.

One change for the form-group component is now all inline form-groups now render a border above each group after the first group. If you do not want borders to be rendered on inline groups, be sure to set border to false:

<x-form-group label="My label" inline :border="false">...</x-form-group>

Another change is all form-groups have a mb-5 margin bottom utility class added by default for spacing. The last form-group element will have a sm:mb-0 utility class added to it so no extra margin is applied. You can prevent a margin from being added by setting the margin-bottom attribute to false:

<x-form-group label="My label" :margin="false">...</x-form-group>

{note} If you are using space-y-* utility classes for spacing, those will take precedence over the margin utilities added by the form-group component.

The only major requirement for upgrading from v2 is to ensure your server and/or local dev environment is running on php version 8. As with any release, you should make sure you are re-compiling your css assets (if pulling in the package's styles) and also clear your cached views (php artisan view:clear) to ensure the correct views are being used.

If you published the package's config file, make sure you update it to match any changes made to it.

Version 2 introduced some breaking changes, which are outlined below:

To be compatible with TailwindCSS version 2, some changes were made to the stylesheets for laravel form components. There were also some changes to how colors are referenced in both the blade templates and the sass files. V2 of laravel-form-components is assuming you have the following variants configured in your tailwind.config.js file:

const colors = require("tailwindcss/colors");

module.exports = {
    // ...
    theme: {
        colors: {
            "blue-gray": colors.blueGray,

        extend: {
            colors: {
                primary: {
                    // continue all the way down to 900
                danger: {
                    // add keys for 50 - 900 as well

            outline: {
                "blue-gray": [`2px dotted ${colors.blueGray["500"]}`, "2px"],

The above configuration is just an example of what this package requires from your tailwind configuration. You are of course free to configure your colors however you want to, as long as you have variants configured for primary, danger, and blue-gray, and have the blue-gray outline defined as well. If you do not want to configure these colors, you will need to style the form components yourself.

For more information, please see the docs.

There have been major changes to the <x-custom-select> component.

Rendering options through the default slot is no longer supported. You must pass in options via the options attribute for now on. "Optgroups" are now specified by using the label key on an option object, and must have an options key on the object containing an array or collection of the group's options.

If you were using custom keys for the values and text of the options, you will now need to change your attributes from value-key to value-field and text-key to text-field respectively.

The wire:filter attribute on the custom select has been changed to accept a method name from your livewire component instead. The livewire method must return an array or collection of options.

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