

The input component offers an easy way to set up any type of input field for your forms. By simply setting its name attribute it also automatically defines the id and makes sure old values are respected.

The most basic usage of the component exists in setting a name attribute.

<x-input name="search" />

By default, a text type will be set for the input field as well as an id that allows it to be easily referenced by a label element.

Of course, you can also specify a type and id attribute manually too:

<x-input name="confirm_password" id="confirmPassword" type="password" />

The input component also supports old values that were set. For example, you might want to apply some validation in the backend and make sure the user doesn't lose their input data when you show the form again with the validation errors. When re-rendering the form, the input component will remember the old value.

    class="form-input form-text"

{note} This doesn't apply when using wire:model or x-model, as livewire or alpine will take care of setting the value instead and the component will not set the value attribute itself.

All inputs are capable of detecting if there was a validation error thrown for the given field (based off the name attribute). When there are errors for a field, the aria-invalid and aria-describedby attributes will be set on the input, and the class input-error will be added to it, allowing you to add styles targeted towards it.

<div class="form-text-container ...">
        class="form-input form-text input-error ..."

The actual error message won't be rendered from the input component itself, but it can be automatically rendered for you by wrapping the <x-input /> component inside an <x-form-group /> component. Please refer to the form-group documentation for more information.

The aria-describedby attribute takes the name attribute and appends -error to it, which will be the id given to the error message rendered by the <x-form-group /> component. If you already have aria-describedby set on the input, the attribute value will be merged with the error attribute value.

If you don't want error attributes to be added to the input, you may disable them via the show-errors attribute:

<x-input name="search" :show-errors="false" />

{tip} If you find yourself setting the show-errors prop to false every time, you may set the global show_errors config setting to false under the defaults configuration key.

The input component supports all the available addons this package offers. Header over to the Addons documentation for an in-depth guide on how to use them.

The package offers three input sizes configured for you out-of-the-box: sm, md, and lg. Inputs by default are configured to render as a "md" sized input, but this can be changed globally in the config file under defaults.input.size. This setting will also affect textareas, native selects, native file upload, and the date picker element. You can also set the size on a per-element basis using the size prop:

<x-input size="lg" />

The input sizes are utility classes, which means you can prefix them with screen size breakpoints for further flexibility on sizing your inputs. For example, if you want your inputs to normally be the "md" size, but on medium size screens and up, you want them to be "lg", you can set your size on the container-class prop:

<x-input container-class="md:form-input--lg" />

If you want to use your own size utility classes, you will need to define them in your app's CSS. For a quick override on the amount of padding given to each size, you can override the following CSS variables:

:root {
    --input-padding-y: theme("spacing[2.5]");
    --input-padding-x: theme("spacing.3");
    --input-padding-y-sm: theme("spacing.2");
    --input-padding-x-sm: theme("spacing.2");
    --input-padding-y-lg: theme("spacing.4");
    --input-padding-x-lg: theme("spacing.4");
prop description
name Name of the input
id Id of the input. Defaults to name.
type Type of input. Defaults to text
value Value of the input. Gets omitted if wire:model or x-model is present
containerClass Defines a CSS class to apply to the container of the input
size Define a size for the input. Default size is md
showErrors If a validation error is present for the input, it will show the error state on the input
extraAttributes Pass an array of HTML attributes to render on the input
leadingAddon Render text on the left of the input
leadingIcon Render an icon on the left of the input
inlineAddon Render text inside the input on the left
trailingAddon Render text on the right of the input
trailingInlineAddon Render text inside the input on the right
trailingIcon Render an icon on the right of the input
slot description
before Render HTML before the input and/or leading addons
after Render HTML after the input and/or trailing addons
leadingAddon Render text on the left of the input
leadingIcon Render an icon on the left of the input
inlineAddon Render text inside the input on the left
trailingAddon Render text on the right of the input
trailingInlineAddon Render text inside the input on the right
trailingIcon Render an icon on the right of the input

The following configuration keys and values can be adjusted for common default behavior you may want for the input element.

'defaults' => [
    'global' => [
        // Show error states by default.
        'show_errors' => true,

    'input' => [
        // Supported: 'sm', 'md', 'lg'
        // Applies to all input types except for checkbox/radios and custom select.
        'size' => 'md',

        // Classes applied by default to input parent div.
        // Will also apply to select.
        'container_class' => null,

        // Base input classes applied by default.
        'input_class' => null,
Form Group
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