Advanced Usage
Customizing CSS
On this page
- Option 1: Use Your Own Tailwind CSS Configuration
- Option 2: Copy the CSS To Your Own Project
- Tailwind Configuration
- Variables
- Dark Mode
If you want to change the look of the form components to match the style of your own app, you have multiple options.
Option 1: Use Your Own Tailwind CSS Configuration
You can import the index.css
and run every @apply
rule through your own tailwind.config.js
/* app.css */
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
@import "../../vendor/rawilk/laravel-form-components/resources/css/index.css";
/* override our styles here */
{note} If you choose this option, make sure you have the required variants included in your
You may also import only the stylesheets you need instead of everything in the index.css file. Most components have their own stylesheets (i.e. input.css
for input elements).
Option 2: Copy the CSS To Your Own Project
If you want full-control, you can always copy each of the stylesheets from resources/css
to your own project and go wild. In this example, we renamed the file to custom/laravel-form-components.css
Beware: you will have to manually keep this CSS in sync with changes in future package updates:
/* app.css */
... @import "custom/laravel-form-components.css";
Let's say you wanted to change the spacing in stacked checkbox groups. You could do so like this in the file you just created with the pasted in styles from the package:
/* custom/laravel-form-components.css */
.form-checkbox-group--stacked {
@apply space-y-2;
/* styles from the package */
/*@apply space-y-4;*/
Tailwind Configuration
Some custom configuration is necessary to ensure our package's CSS compiles correctly, and that the components are styled correctly.
Required Variants
If you choose Option 1, you will need the following color variants added inside your tailwind.config.js
// tailwind.config.js
const colors = require("tailwindcss/colors");
module.exports = {
// ...
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
slate: colors.slate,
This will extend the default tailwind color palette to include the slate
color variant. There are a few other colors you'll want to make sure you have in your color palette,
such as blue
and red
, so if you're using a custom color palette, make sure those colors are included in it. For a comprehensive overview of what colors and utility classes
you'll need in your Tailwind configuration for the package's styles to compile, you can refer to the variables.css file.
The @tailwindcss/forms
plugin is necessary to for some base styles to be applied to the form components. If you are using the
switch-toggle component, you will want to include our custom switch-toggle
plugin if you plan on rendering it with custom colors.
// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
// ...
plugins: [
// Only necessary if you're going to use the switch-toggle component with different colors
// Only necessary if you're going to support dark mode
Purge CSS/Tailwind JIT
Purge CSS is useful for trimming out unused styles from your stylesheets to reduce your overall build size. To ensure the class styles from this package don't get purged from your production build, you should add the following to your purge css content configuration:
{note} The following code snippet is for a TailwindCSS build configuration using a
file in the build.
module.exports = {
// ...
content: [
// Typical laravel app purge css content
// Make sure you add these lines
Due to the dynamic nature of how some classes are rendered onto the markup, you may still find some of them being purged by Tailwind. Here's a few you may want to
add to your safelist
to prevent from being purged:
module.exports = {
// ...
safelist: [
pattern: /file-upload__input--*/,
pattern: /switch-toggle--*/,
pattern: /custom-select__button--*/,
// For sizing, e.g. form-input--sm
pattern: /form-input--*/,
// For checkbox/radio sizing
pattern: /form-choice--*/,
// For dark mode...
// quill editor classes
pattern: /ql--*/,
You can of course be more selective in what you safelist. For example, instead of using a pattern for the .form-input--
sizing classes, you could just explicitly add
to the safelist array instead of using a regex pattern.
Some styling for components, such as text color and border colors, can be overridden with CSS variables. For example, if you wanted to override the border color for inputs, you could add the following to your app's CSS file:
... :root {
--input-border-color: theme("");
--input-dark-border-color: theme("");
{note} Make sure to override any variables after you've imported the package's CSS.
For a full reference of the variables you can set in your CSS, please refer to the variables.css file.
Dark Mode
The package's components have also been styled for dark mode and will work with both the class based and OS based strategies. A custom dark mode selector is also supported too.
To opt in to dark mode, you will need to add the dark-mode
plugin to your Tailwind configuration file. See Plugins for more information. By default, all
components are styled for dark mode in this plugin. You may opt out of certain components being styled here if you're not using them. Here is an example of all the options you can
pass to the plugin:
// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
// ...
quill: false,
filepond: false,
For more information, please refer to Tailwind's Dark Mode Documentation.