Rich Text

Quill Editor

The quill component provides a rich text editor. Before using this component, we recommend familiarizing yourself with the Quill library.

The quill component requires the following third-party libraries to work properly:

  • Alpine.js
  • Quill

You may install Quill via npm:

npm i quill --save

You can then import it in your project using imports:

import Quill from "quill";

window.Quill = Quill;

You will also need to import the theme styles you are using into your stylesheets:

@import "quill/dist/snow.css";

You are of course free to use the cdn links alternatively if that's more your style:

<script src="//"></script>
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet" />

Be sure to replace 1.0.0 with the version you are planning on using.

See Third-Party Assets on the installation guide for further setup information.

The most basic usage of the quill component involves just adding a self-closing tag:

<x-quill />

This will create a new quill editor inside of a content editable div. If a name attribute is provided, we will render a hidden input for regular form submissions, which will keep its value in sync with the value of the quill editor.

The quill component integrates easily with livewire out-of-the-box and just requires you to provide a wire:model to the component.

<x-quill wire:model="content" />

{note} You may also use the defer modifier for the wire model, but the debounce modifier is not supported at this time.

You may use x-model on the component as well.

<div x-data="{ content: '' }">
    <x-quill x-model="content" />

You may also use modifiers to x-model, such as debounce.

The quill component accepts most of the options that the quill editor provides, however some options will require you to provide a \Rawilk\LaravelFormComponents\Dto\QuillOptions object to set them.

To make the editor readonly, you may pass in a truthy value to the component:

<x-quill readonly />

Like most other inputs, you may use a placeholder to show when there is no value set:

<x-quill placeholder="Write something inspiring..." />

For all other options, you should pass in an instance of the QuillOptions object:

<x-quill :quill-options="QuillOptions::defaults()->theme('snow')" />

The QuillOptions object is mostly useful for customizing the toolbar of the editor.

You may set some default options in a service provider. For example, if you always want to hide the bold toolbar button, you may do so like this in your AppServiceProvider:

namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Rawilk\FormComponents\Dto\QuillOptions;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function boot(): void
        QuillOptions::defaults(function () {
            return (new QuillOptions)->hideBold();

By default, most of the buttons available to quill will be rendered onto the editor. Using the QuillOptions object, you may specify which buttons should be hidden and also provide custom buttons as well.


The above example will hide the bold and ordered list buttons from the editor. For a full list of available methods, you can refer to the source class:

You may alternatively pass in your own toolbar if you need to:

        ['bold', 'italic'],
        [['list' => 'ordered'], ['list' => 'bullet']],

In this example, only buttons for bold, italic, and ordered/unordered lists will appear in the toolbar.

If you need a custom toolbar button/dropdown list, you may provide one with the withToolbarButton method on QuillOptions. You will need to provide a key (id) for the button and optionally an array of options if it is a dropdown button.

    :quill-options="QuillOptions::defaults()->withToolbarButton('variables', [
        'Option 1',
        'Option 2',

You will then need to utilize the config slot on the component to define a JavaScript handler for the toolbar button:

    :quill-options="QuillOptions::defaults()->withToolbarButton('variables', [
        'Option 1',
        'Option 2',
        toolbarHandlers: { variables: function (value) { value = `[[ ${value}
        ]]`; const cursorPosition = this.quill.getSelection().index;
        this.quill.insertText(cursorPosition, value);
        this.quill.setSelection(cursorPosition + value.length); }, },

{note} It is important to not use arrow functions for the toolbar handlers, as they will not have access to the this context of Quill. For the example above, it is important to reference the quill instance via this.quill, otherwise you may get unexpected results when inserting text.

This example will provide a custom dropdown menu with two options, and when each one is clicked on, it will insert the text of the option into the editor at the current cursor position of the user. Your work is not done yet, however. Quill editor uses CSS styling to render the text into the toolbar buttons, so you will need to add some styles to your stylesheet:

.ql-picker.ql-variables .ql-picker-label:before {
    content: "Variables";

.ql-picker.ql-variables .ql-picker-item[data-value]:before {
    content: attr(data-value);

.ql-picker.ql-variables .ql-picker-label {
    padding-right: 18px;

{tip} Quill creates a css class on your button depending on the key you provide it. You will need to change .ql-variables to whatever key name you provide it.

If you need to define JavaScript handlers for a custom toolbar button, you may use the config slot to do this. The config slot is inside a JavaScript function that returns an object and has access to the following variables:

variable description
instance The Alpine data instance for the quill component
quillOptions An object containing the options generated by the component

For a complete list of quill configuration options, see Quill Configuration.

If you need to define your own JavaScript callbacks for Quill, you may use the onInit slot. This slot is rendered inside a JavaScript function that has access to an instance variable, which provides you access to the Alpine data object for the quill component. If you need access to the quill editor instance, you can do so via instance.__quill.

Here's an example of how you could hook into the selection-change event that Quill fires:

<x-quill ...>
        instance.__quill.on('selection-change', function (range, oldRange,
        source) { // do something });

{note} If you need to hook into the text-change event fired by Quill, you should use the onTextChange slot instead.

Whenever the text content of the quill editor is changed, Quill will fire a text-change event that can be listened for. Since our component's JavaScript already listens for that event, we've provided a slot that can be used to perform additional actions if needed. The slot is rendered inside a function that has access to an instance variable, which provides you access to the Alpine data object for the quill component. If you need access to the quill editor instance, you can do so via instance.__quill.

<x-quill ...>
        let value = instance.__quill.root.innerHTML; console.log(value);

If you want to prevent our component from updating the value, or dispatching an input event, you may return false from the slot:

<x-slot:on-text-change> return false; </x-slot:on-text-change>
prop description
name Name of the input
id Id of the input. Defaults to name.
value The initial value for the input
showErrors If a validation error is present for the input, it will show the error state on the input
autoFocus Give focus to the input on page load
readonly Makes the editor readonly
placeholder Sets a placeholder text in the editor
quillOptions The QuillOptions configuration object
slot description
config Set JavaScript configuration options and toolbar handlers
onTextChange Hook into the text-change event fired by Quill
onInit Place to define custom JavaScript event listeners for Quill

The following configuration keys and values can be adjusted for common default behavior you may want for the quill element.

'defaults' => [
    'global' => [
        // Show error states by default.
        'show_errors' => true,

    'quill' => [
        // Automatically focus the editor on page load by default.
        'auto_focus' => false,
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