

The select component offers an easy way to provide select menus in your forms. By simply setting the name attribute it also automatically defines your id and makes sure old values are respected.

The most basic usage of the component involves setting a name attribute:

<x-select name="state" />

Of course, the id attribute can easily be overridden:

<x-select name="state" id="state_id" />

There are multiple ways to provide options to the component. The primary way is to provide an array of options as key/value pairs. This will allow the select component to automatically determine which option should be selected (as long as you're not using wire:model) for you.

<x-select name="state" :options="['al' => 'Alabama', 'wi' => 'Wisconsin']" />

You can also provide more complex arrays for the options too.

        ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'User 1'],
        ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'User 2'],

This will set each option's value to the id, and the text of the option to the name. You can of course customize these fields for each select with the valueField and labelField attributes:

        ['value' => 1, 'text' => 'User 1'],
        ['value' => 2, 'text' => 'User 2'],

You are also able to pass in an array of Eloquent Models to the select as well:

<x-select name="user" :options="\App\Models\User::all()" />

Another way to provide options is to use the default slot on the component:

<x-select name="state">
    <option value="al" @selected($component->isSelected('al'))>Alabama</option>
    <option value="wi" @selected($component->

{note} When using the default slot, the select component will not be able to determine if the options in the slot are selected or not automatically for you. You may use the isSelected method on the component though for convenience.

You can also use the append slot if you are passing in options via the options attribute, and it will add your slotted options after the passed in options:

<x-select name="state" :options="['ny' => 'New York']">
        <option value="al">Alabama</option>
        <option value="wi">Wisconsin</option>

You can also pass in options using multiple methods. For example, if you pass options in using the options attribute, and also via the default slot, your slotted options will be rendered before the passed in options:

<x-select name="state" :options="['ny' => 'New York']">
    <option value="al">Alabama</option>
    <option value="wi">Wisconsin</option>

You can easily create a multiple select by setting multiple to true:

    :options="['al' => 'Alabama', 'wi' => 'Wisconsin']"

The select component can automatically render options as an <optgroup> for you without you needing to manually render the options yourself. The component will check for a children property on the option (name of property is configurable). If it is present, and is not an empty array, the component will render the parent option as an <optgroup>, and then loop through each of the children and render them as normal options.

{note} The children options should have the same property structure as the parent option does.

The select component supports most of the available addons this package offers. Header over to the Addons documentation for an in-depth guide on how to use them.

prop description
name Name of the select
id Id of the select. Defaults to name.
value Value of the select. Gets omitted if wire:model or x-model is present
containerClass Defines a CSS class to apply to the container of the select
size Define a size for the select. Default size is md
showErrors If a validation error is present for the select, it will show the error state on the input
extraAttributes Pass an array of HTML attributes to render on the select
leadingAddon Render text on the left of the select
leadingIcon Render an icon on the left of the select
inlineAddon Render text inside the input on the select
trailingAddon Render text on the right of the select
trailingInlineAddon Render text inside the input on the select
trailingIcon Render an icon on the right of the select
multiple Allow muti-select mode
options An array or Collection of options to render
valueField Property on an option to use for the value
labelField Property on an option to use for the text
disabledField Property on an option to use to determine if it is disabled
childrenField Property on an option to determine if it has children. Will render as an <optgroup> if children is present and not empty
slot description
append Render options after passed in options have been rendered
before Render HTML before the select and/or leading addons
after Render HTML after the select and/or trailing addons
leadingAddon Render text on the left of the select
leadingIcon Render an icon on the left of the select
inlineAddon Render text inside the select on the left
trailingAddon Render text on the right of the select
trailingInlineAddon Render text inside the select on the right
trailingIcon Render an icon on the right of the select

The following configuration keys and values can be adjusted for common default behavior you may want for the select element.

'defaults' => [
    'global' => [
        // Show error states by default.
        'show_errors' => true,

        // Set the fields to use by default for properties on options in select components.
        'value_field' => 'id',
        'label_field' => 'name',
        'disabled_field' => 'disabled',
        'children_field' => 'children',

    'input' => [
        // Supported: 'sm', 'md', 'lg'
        // Applies to all input types except for checkbox/radios and custom select.
        'size' => 'md',

        // Classes applied by default to input parent div.
        // Will also apply to select.
        'container_class' => null,

    'select' => [
        // Automatically apply a CSS class to each select.
        'input_class' => null,
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