
Date Picker

The date-picker component offers an integration with the flatpickr datepicker library. By using it, you can simply add a date and/or time picker to your form with one component.

The date-picker component requires the following third-party libraries to work correctly:

  • Alpine.js
  • Flatpickr

See Third-Party Assets on the installation guide for further setup information.

Make sure you import flatpickr as flatpickr in your JavaScript, and make sure it's available globally:

import flatpickr from "flatpickr";

window.flatpickr = flatpickr;

If you pull the flatpickr package in via npm, you should import the styles into your stylesheet:

@import "flatpickr/dist/flatpickr.min.css";

{note} Be sure these styles are imported before the styles for this package, so we can override the styles for flatpickr correctly.

In its most basic usage, you can use it as a self-closing component and pass it a name:

<x-date-picker name="birthday" />

The component sets a couple of nice defaults for your date picker. The placeholder is automatically set the default format used by flatpickr, but this can easily be changed by passing in the placeholder to the component.

By default, the date picker is set to open when you click the toggle icon, and it allows you to type in the input as well. There is also a clear icon that gets inserted by default as well. All of these options can be toggled on the component.

By default, a toggle button with a calendar icon is prepended to the input. Clicking this button will show the calendar that flatpickr generates. If you want to prevent the button/icon from being displayed, you can set the value to an empty string:

<x-date-picker toggle-icon="" />

{note} If you disable the toggle button, be sure to set click-opens to true on the component. It is set to true by default in the config, unless you modified that value.

{tip} You can change the icon that is used for the toggle button either by setting the toggle-icon attribute, or by changing it globally in the config.

The date picker component provides a way to clear the selected date out-of-the-box. All you need to do is set clearable to true and an icon for clearing the input will be appended to the input.

<x-date-picker name="birthday" clearable />

The icon defaults to heroicon-m-x-mark, but you can easily customize this icon either in the config, or by setting the clear-icon attribute to the icon you want.

You can pass in options to the date picker via the options attribute. This requires you to pass a PHP array with scalar values. Below is an example where we set mode to "multiple" instead of the default "single" value:

<x-date-picker name="birthday" :options="['mode' => 'multiple']" />

For a full reference of all options, please consult the flatpickr documentation.

{tip} In this example, we set mode in the options array, however the component also accepts a prop called mode, which defaults to single.

For convenience, we have added a click-opens (clickOpens option) boolean attribute to the component to easily toggle whether clicking on the input should open the picker. By default, the component sets this value to false to allow typing into the input. If you enable this option, be aware that you might lose the ability to type into the input.

This can be set globally and on a per-element basis.

The boolean allow-input (allowInput option) attribute has been added for convenience to easily toggle whether the user is allowed to enter a date directly into the input field. By default, the component sets this value to true.

This can be set globally and on a per-element basis.

The boolean enable-time (enableTime option) attribute has been added for convenience to allow for a time picker to be available as well. By default, the component sets this value to false.

This can be set globally and on a per-element basis.

If you pass a format (e.g. Y-m-d) attribute to the component, it will set the dateFormat option on flatpickr. This option defines how the date is displayed in the input, but also how it is sent to the server.

This can be set globally and on a per-element basis.

{note} Please note that only scalar values are supported. You cannot use any JavaScript language specific options like callbacks.

Since the options attribute only accepts scalar values, the component offers a config slot that will allow you to specify any option callbacks you need to. The slot will be rendered inside a JavaScript object which will be passed to our component JavaScript.

<x-date-picker name="birthday">
        onChange: (selectedDates, dateStr, instance) => { // ... }

In the example above, we are injecting a callback for the onChange event fired by flatpickr into the flatpickr options object. For more information on the callbacks available, please consult the events api.

{note} The onChange callback is for demonstration purposes only. Our JavaScript is defining a callback for that event already, so it is not advised to define your own callback for it.

By default, the date picker component defines a callback for the onOpen event fired by flatpickr. Luckily, flatpickr allows an array of callbacks to be used for this event. You may define your own callbacks for onOpen in the config slot, and our JavaScript append them to the callbacks array for the event.

<x-date-picker name="birthday">
        onOpen: [ function (selectedDates, dateStr, instance) { // do something
        }, ],

In the example above, the instance parameter refers to the flatpickr instance.

Like the other inputs, the date picker can also have leading and trailing addons, however by default you cannot add them. To add leading addons, you must disable the toggle icon, and for trailing addons, you must set clearable to false.

See the addons documentation for more information.

The end slot will allow you to render any kind of HTML you need at the very end of the component's markup. Since it is rendered inside the x-data markup, you will have access to the Alpine component data, as well as the $datePicker Alpine magic. This slot shouldn't normally be required, but it's available should feel the need to get creative with your component logic.

See $datePicker for more info on the magic variable.

prop description
name Name of the input
id Id of the input. Defaults to name.
type Type of input. Defaults to text
value Value of the input. Gets omitted if wire:model or x-model is present
containerClass Defines a CSS class to apply to the container of the input
size Define a size for the input. Default size is md
showErrors If a validation error is present for the input, it will show the error state on the input
extraAttributes Pass an array of HTML attributes to render on the input
leadingAddon Render text on the left of the input
leadingIcon Render an icon on the left of the input
inlineAddon Render text inside the input on the left
trailingAddon Render text on the right of the input
trailingInlineAddon Render text inside the input on the right
trailingIcon Render an icon on the right of the input
options An array of scalar values to configure flatpickr
mode The mode of date selection. Supports single, multiple, and range. Defaults to single
clickOpens Allow the date picker to open when the input element is clicked on.
allowInput Allow user to enter a date into the input element directly.
enableTime Show a time picker
format Define a format for the date to send to the server
toggleIcon A name for an icon component to show for the toggle button
clearable If true, a button will be appended to the input to clear the value. Requires clearIcon to be set as well.
clearIcon The name of an icon component to display in the clear button
placeholder Text to show as a placeholder. Defaults to a translation key in package's translations.
slot description
before Render HTML before the input and/or leading addons
after Render HTML after the input and/or trailing addons
leadingAddon Render text on the left of the input
leadingIcon Render an icon on the left of the input
inlineAddon Render text inside the input on the left
trailingAddon Render text on the right of the input
trailingInlineAddon Render text inside the input on the right
trailingIcon Render an icon on the right of the input
config Allows you to define JavaScript callbacks for flatpickr. Slot is rendered inside a JavaScript object.
end Render any kind of HTML at the end of the component markup, but inside of the x-data scope.

The following configuration keys and values can be adjusted for common default behavior you may want for the date picker element.

'defaults' => [
    'global' => [
        // Show error states by default.
        'show_errors' => true,

    'input' => [
        // Supported: 'sm', 'md', 'lg'
        // Applies to all input types except for checkbox/radios and custom select.
        'size' => 'md',

        // Classes applied by default to input parent div.
        // Will also apply to select.
        'container_class' => null,

        // Base input classes applied by default.
        'input_class' => null,

    'date_picker' => [
        // Allow date picker to open from clicking on the input by default.
        'click_opens' => false,

        // Allow user to modify the text of the input by default.
        'allow_input' => true,

        // Enable the time picker by default.
        'enable_time' => false,

        // Set the default date format. (defaults to y-m-d)
        'format' => null,

        // Set an icon to show on the date picker for an "open" button by default.
        // Set to null to hide it.
        'toggle_icon' => 'heroicon-m-calendar',

        // Allow date pickers to be cleared by a clear button by default.
        'clearable' => true,

        // Set an icon to show on the date picker's clear button by default.
        'clear_icon' => 'heroicon-m-x-mark',

        // Set the default placeholder text for the date picker.
        // For best results, use a translation key as it will be translated automatically by the component.
        'placeholder' => 'form-components::messages.date_picker_placeholder',

A magic variable that exposes information about the current state of the date picker. Under normal use, you shouldn't need to access this variable. The end slot is a convenient way to access it.

Property Description
isDisabled A boolean indicating if the date picker is disabled
flatpickr Exposes the flatpickr instance on the component
hasValue A boolean indicating if the date picker has a value selected
open() A callable that opens up the date picker
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