
Tree Select

Our tree-select component is an extension of our custom select component and provides an input that supports options with parent/child relationships. Parent options will have a chevron next to them that will allow them to be expanded to reveal any children options they have.

The following third-party libraries are required for tree-select to work properly:

See Third-Party Assets on the installation guide for further setup information.

You can use the tree select menu by providing some basic options.

        ['id' => 'foo', 'name' => 'Foo', 'children' => [
            ['id' => 'child_1', 'name' => 'Child 1'],

This will render a tree select menu with a parent option for "Foo", and underneath "Foo" will be an expandable list containing a child option named "Child 1". Child options are rendered in a nested <ul> element.

The tree select component accepts either an array or collection via the options attribute. You may also render the options yourself via the default slot in the component. If you provide an array of strings, the component will use the strings as both the key and values of the options. For most cases however, you should provide an array of keyed arrays for each option, or you can even pass in an array of Eloquent models as options.

    ['id' => 'foo', 'name' => 'Foo'],
    ['id' => 'bar', 'name' => 'Bar'],

<!-- using models -->
<x-tree-select :options="\App\Models\User::get(['id', name'])" />

By default, the component will look for an id key for the option value, and a name key for hte option text. When you are using Eloquent models for options, sometimes this won't work. To get around this, you can specify which keys the option should use for the value and label of the option via value-field and label-field.

The tree select will determine if an option has children via the children key of an option. An option's children should be either an array or collection of child options with the same data structure as the parent option. If you need to customize the key for children, you may use the children-field attribute.

We have provided a slot called optionTemplate to customize how each option is rendered in the menu, however you'll need to use JavaScript to customize this since the <x-tree-select-option> component is rendered recursively when parent options are present. The content of each option is wrapped in an x-data directive that contains a variable called option containing all the properties present on the option.

Assuming you have a property called "foo" on the option, we'll render that property out in a span tag and make the text italic:

<x-tree-select :options="$options">
        <span x-text="" class="italic"></span>

{tip} You may want to apply different formatting to your parent options, which can be checked for via $treeSelectOption.hasChildren. See $treeSelectOption

By default, when an option is selected it will display the same text that is provided to it on the label prop on the tree-select's trigger. If you want to display something different for the selected option, you may provide a value to the selected-label-field attribute on the select. If nothing is provided, it will default to the label-field attribute.

        ['id' => 'foo', 'name' => 'Foo', 'short_name' => 'F'],
        ['id' => 'bar', 'name' => 'Bar', 'short_name' => 'B'],

In the example above, when an option is selected, the value for the option's short_name will be displayed on the tree-select's trigger instead of the option's name field.

We have also provided a slot called selectedTemplate which will allow you to further customize how you are displaying the selected option's value. You will need to use the selectedObject property on our $treeSelect magic property.

<x-tree-select ...>
        <span x-text="$treeSelect.selectedObject?.short_name"></span>

If you are using a multi-select, the selected template slot will be slightly different, since it will be in an Alpine x-for loop. In this case, you will need to use a variable exposed to you, called selectedObject, which behaves the same way as the example above.

<x-tree-select multiple ...>
        <span x-text="selectedObject.short_name"></span>

You may disable specific options by setting disabled to true on the option:

    :options="[['value' => 'foo', 'text' => 'Foo', 'disabled' => true]]"

You can use a different key for disabled on the option, by specifying it via the disabled-field attribute on the select.

    :options="[['id' => 'foo', 'name' => 'Foo', 'inactive' => true]]"

If you prefer to render options yourself, you can do so in the default slot using the <x-tree-select-option> component. The option component will automatically be aware of the following fields from tree-select.

  • valueField
  • labelField
  • disabledField
  • childrenField
  • optionSelectedIcon
  • hasChildIcon

Because of this, the tree-select-option must be placed inside a tree-select component.

The only prop you need to provide is value, which should be an array of an option, or a model. If there are children present on the option, the component will recursively render and children underneath the parent option.

<x-tree-select ...>
    @foreach ($options as $option)'
    <x-tree-select-option :value="$option" />

You can of course customize the option display using the optionTemplate slot on the option. This will behave exactly the same as it does on customizing the option display on the parent component.

You may provide search functionality on a tree select by setting searchable on the component to true.

<x-tree-select :options="$options" searchable />

This will provide basic search functionality, which will hide any non-matching options as the user types.

{tip} By default searchable is set to true on the select component.

If you use Livewire, you can easily add server-side filtering of options via the livewire-search prop on the component.

<x-tree-select :options="$options" searchable livewire-search="handleSearch" />

In this example, this will require you to have a method called handleSearch on your livewire component. Our JavaScript will call that method via livewire's JavaScript API, passing it the value of the current search term. Your livewire component should filter out the options based on the search. The select component debounces the search input so each keystroke is not triggering another ajax request to your server.

Your component should then re-render itself with the filtered options.

You can easily make a select accept multiple selected options by using the multiple attribute. Each of the selected options will appear on the trigger as a "token", which will allow the user to click on them to remove them.

<x-tree-select :options="$options" multiple />

With multiple selects, you may limit the number of options a user may select with the max-selected prop.

<x-tree-select :options="$options" multiple :max-selected="3" />

In this example, the user will only be able to select a maximum of 3 options.

{note} The component expects an integer value, so be sure to pass an integer type as the value.

With a multiple select, you may require the user to select a minimum amount of options. You can specify this via the min-selected prop.

<x-tree-select :options="$options" multiple :min-selected="2" />

For times that you want to allow users to clear the select option(s), you can mark a custom select as optional. This works for both single and multi-select modes, and provides a clear button next to the selected option text.

<x-tree-select :options="$options" optional />

{note} In a multi-select, if you have min-selected set to more than 1, optional will not apply here.

The tree-select component makes use of Popper.js for positioning the select menu. This should remove the need for fixed positioning the select menu now. In addition to positioning the menu when opened, Popper.js will also re-position the menu as needed when the page is scrolled.

If absolute positioning is breaking your layout, you can force Popper to use fixed positioning, however you may need to style the width of the menu manually. All you need to do is passed a fixed attribute to the component.

<x-tree-select fixed ... />

Normally the tree select component will orient itself vertically. If you want to have it orient itself horizontally, set the horizontal attribute.

<x-tree-select horizontal ... />

If you want to give focus to the select on page load, you can set the autofocus attribute.

<x-tree-select autofocus ... />

The tree select component supports most of the available addons this package offers. Header over to the Addons documentation for an in-depth guide on how to use them.

{note} The tree-select component does not support the trailingInlineAddon or the trailingIcon addons.

key description
[Enter/Space] Open the select when it's closed or select the focused option when the select is open. Will not select an option if select is set to searchable and the search input is focused
[Escape] Close the select
[Arrow Keys] Focuses the next/previous non-disabled option
[Right Arrow Key] Expand children options on an active option
[Left Arrow Key] Collapse children options on an active option
[Home/PageUp] Focuses the first non-disabled option
[End/PageDown] Focuses the last non-disabled option
[A-z] Focuses the first option matching the keyboard input. Only triggers when select is not set to searchable, or the search input is not focused
[Backspace] In a multi-select, when the menu is closed and there are selected options, it will de-select the last selected option
prop description
name Name of the select
id Id of the select. Defaults to name.
value Value of the select. Gets ignored if wire:model or x-model is present
showErrors If a validation error is present for the select, it will show the error state on the select
multiple Allow multiple options to be selected
options An array or Collection of options to be rendered
size Define a size for the select. Default size is md
valueField Property on an option to use for the value
labelField Property on an option to use for the text
selectedLabelField Property on an option to use in the select trigger for display. Defaults to labelField
disabledField Property on an option to use to determine if it is disabled
childrenField Property on an option to determine if it has children. Will render as an "opt group" option if children is present and not empty
minSelected A minimum amount of options that must be selected in a multi-select
maxSelected A maximum amount of options that may be selected in a multi-select
optional A boolean value indicating the user may clear the selected value(s).
buttonIcon A name of an icon component to use for the arrows on the right of the trigger
searchable A boolean value indicating that a search box should be rendered in the menu
livewireSearch A name of a Livewire component method to handle a server-side search
clearable Allows a clear button to show on the select trigger. Will not show if optional is set to false
clearIcon A name of an icon component to render in the clear button
optionSelectedIcon A name of an icon component to render next to an option in the menu when it is selected
placeholder Placeholder text to show in the trigger when no option is selected.
noResultsText Text to display in the menu when a search term is present, but no matching options found
noOptionsText Text to display in the menu when no options are found and no search term is present
alwaysOpen A boolean value indicating that the menu should always be open
containerClass A CSS class to apply to the container of the select menu
extraAttributes Pass an array of HTML attributes to render on the select
leadingAddon Render text on the left of the select
leadingIcon Render an icon on the left of the select
inlineAddon Render text inside the select on the left
trailingAddon Render text on the right of the select
hasChildIcon A name of an icon component to render next to a parent option indicating it has child options
slot description
selectedTemplate Customize how the selected option is displayed
optionTemplate Customize how each option is displayed in the menu
before Render HTML before the select and/or leading addons
after Render HTML after the select and/or trailing addons
leadingAddon Render text on the left of the select
leadingIcon Render an icon on the left of the select
inlineAddon Render text inside the select on the left
trailingAddon Render text on the right of the select

The following configuration keys and values can be adjusted for common default behavior you may want for the tree-select element.

'defaults' => [
    'global' => [
        // Show error states by default.
        'show_errors' => true,

        // Set the fields to use by default for properties on options in select components.
        'value_field' => 'id',
        'label_field' => 'name',
        // Will default to label field if null - only applies to custom selects
        'selected_label_field' => null,
        'disabled_field' => 'disabled',
        'children_field' => 'children',

    'input' => [
        // Supported: 'sm', 'md', 'lg'
        // Applies to all input types except for checkbox/radios.
        'size' => 'md',

    'custom_select' => [
        // Apply a CSS class by default to the root element of the custom select.
        // Note: this will also apply to tree-select as well.
        'container_class' => null,

        // Apply a CSS class by default to the custom select button.
        'input_class' => null,

        // Apply a CSS class by default to the custom select menu.
        'menu_class' => null,

        // Make custom selects searchable by default.
        'searchable' => true,

        // Make custom selects clearable by default.
        // Will not show the clear button if the select is not optional.
        'clearable' => true,

        // Make custom selects optional by default. When marked as optional, custom select
        // will allow you to clear out its value, unless it has a minimum amount of options
        // required in a multi-select.
        'optional' => false,

        // Set the default icon to use to show that an option is selected.
        // Set to null to disable it.
        'option_selected_icon' => 'heroicon-m-check',

        // Define the name of the icon to show on the custom select button by default.
        // Set to null to hide it.
        'button_icon' => 'heroicon-m-chevron-down',

        // Define the default clear icon that will show on the custom select button and
        // multi-select selected options. Set to null to hide it.
        'clear_icon' => 'heroicon-m-x-mark',

        // In a multi-select, this is the minimum amount of options that must be selected.
        // Set to null or 0 to disable it.
        'min_selected' => null,

        // In a multi-select, this is the maximum amount of options that can be selected.
        // Set to null to disable it.
        'max_selected' => null,

    'tree_select' => [
        // Set the default icon to use to show that an option has children.
        // Icon will be rotated to indicate when the option is expanded.
        'has_child_icon' => 'heroicon-m-chevron-right',

These are the events that our JavaScript will emit.

Event Args Description
input newValue Emitted when value is updated

A magic variable that exposes information about the current state of the select menu (element containing x-data="treeSelect(...))

property description
isOpen Select menu is open or not
isDisabled Select menu is disabled or not
isSearchable Select menu is searchable or not
selected Currently selected raw value
active Currently active (highlighted) option
selectedObject Object representation of the selected value. Will be an array of objects in multi-select mode
hasValue Whether or not select has a selected option
shouldShowClear Are conditions right to show the clear button
canSelectMore Can more options be selected in a multi-select
canDeselectOptions Can an option(s) be de-selected
hasOptions Does the menu have any registered options
hasSearch Is there a current search query
hasExpandableOptions Are there any parent options registered

A magic variable that exposes information about the current state of an option (element containing x-tree-select:option)

property description
isActive A boolean used to determine whether or not an option is currently active (hovered over)
isSelected A boolean used to determine whether or not an option is currently selected
isDisabled A boolean used to determine whether or not an option is currently disabled
hasChildren A boolean used to determine whether or not the option has child options
isExpanded A boolean used to determine whether or not the option has been expanded to show its children
Timezone Select
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