
Form Group

The form group component can be used to encapsulate an input in order to render a label and error messages automatically and consistently for you.

To take full advantage of the form-group component, the following third-party libraries are required:

  • Alpine.js

See Third-Party Assets on the installation guide for further setup information.

At its most basic usage, you can render the input group with a label and your markup inside it:

<x-form-group label="First name" name="first_name">
    Input element

The form group will default the input id to the name attribute, but you can specify a different id by using the input-id attribute. The name attribute will be used for detecting and rendering errors thrown by your backend validation.

<x-form-group label="First name" name="first_name" input-id="firstName">
    Input element

If errors are detected, they will automatically be rendered for you, and the has-error class will be added to the form group root element for styling.

<x-form-group label="First name" name="first_name">
    Input element

If you use any of the inputs provided by this package, the aria-describedby attribute will be set on the input with the id given to the error message element.

You can disable the showing of error messages in the form group by setting the show-errors attribute to false:

<x-form-group label="First name" name="first_name" :show-errors="false">

You can show form help text by either using the help-text attribute or the helpText slot:

Via prop:

    label="First name"
    help-text="Some helpful text..."
    Input element

Via slot:

<x-form-group label="First name" name="first_name">
    Input element

    <x-slot:help-text>Some helpful text...</x-slot:help-text>

Similar to help text, you may provide a "hint" text to the user. This will render the "hint" text to the right of the label above an input, or left-aligned below in input when the form-group is set to inline. We like to use this to let an end-user know that the input is optional.

<x-form-group label="First name" name="first_name" hint="Optional">

You can also have the component render the text Optional automatically for you by passing in true for the optional attribute.

<x-form-group label="First name" name="first_name" optional> ... </x-form-group>

You can customize this text by modifying the config value for optional_hint_text.

If you use help text in the form group, you should also set the aria-describedby attribute to the id given to the help text element on your input element. This will default to "{input_id}-description".

Instead of stacking the label on top of the input element, you can render them inline with each other. To make a form group inline, set the inline attribute to true.

<x-form-group label="First name" name="first_name" inline>
    Input element

The form-group--inline utility class provided by this package splits group into a grid, giving the label one column, and the input two columns across. If you use an input provided by this package, they default to full width, but you can limit the width by utilizing a max-w-* utility class from tailwind on the element.

By default, the form-group component will render a border on top of each inline form group component after the first group. You can prevent this behavior by passing in false to the border attribute.

<x-form-group label="First name" name="first_name" inline :border="false">

By default, the styles will add some padding to the label's column to center align it with the input, but that may not always be desirable, such as when rendering form groups form checkbox groups. In cases like this, you can set the is-checkbox-group attribute to true, and it will not add padding to the label column.

<x-form-group label="First name" name="first_name" inline is-checkbox-group>
    Input element

The form-group component will now add a mb-5 margin utility class to each form-group component, so each form-group has a bit of breathing room from each other. The last form-group child in a container will have no margin bottom because of the last:mb-0 utility class. If you don't want margins to be added to each form-group, you can do the following:

<x-form-group label="First name" :margin-bottom="false"> ... </x-form-group>

{tip} To help space your form elements evenly in a form, you could also use a space-y-* utility class provided by tailwind on the wrapping element (usually <form>). This will take precedence over the margin utility class added by the component.

Thanks to our x-form-group directive, the labels inside a form-group component will have their id scoped using Alpine's x-id functionality. That means every time a component inside the form group references the label's id ($id('fc-label')), it will always receive the correct id. The most common use case for this for the custom-select component which relies on it this for setting the aria-labelledby attribute.

If you have a non-standard input, it is generally a best practice to set these accessibility attributes. Inside a form-group, you can always do the following the get the label's id:

<x-form-group label="Foo">
    <div :aria-labelledby="$id('fc-label')">...</div>

Both the label, and the aria-labelledby attribute will have fc-label-1 for the attribute value.

prop description
name The name of the input element inside the form group
inputId The ID of the input element inside the form group. Defaults to name if not set. Will be used for the for attribute on the label.
label Text for a label to render in the form group. Set value to false to hide the label
inline A boolean value indicating if the label and input should be inline with each other in a grid. Defaults to false
showErrors A boolean indicating whether or not to show error states and messages for the input. Defaults to true
helpText Helper text to display underneath the input and errors (if shown)
isCheckboxGroup A boolean value, that if set to true, will remove all padding from the top of the input element area. Defaults to false
marginBottom A boolean value to indicate the form group should apply a margin bottom if it is not the last child. Defaults to true
border A boolean value to indicate that an inline form group should show a border if it is not the first child. Defaults to true
hint Provide a "hint" text, such as "Optional" for the user.
optional Provides an indication to the user that the input is optional. Will set the hint attribute to "Optional" if not explicitly set
slot description
hint Provide a "hint" text, such as "Optional" for the user.
helpText Helper text to display underneath the input and errors (if shown)
after Provides a place to put any custom markup towards the end of the main content area

The following configuration keys and values can be adjusted for common default behavior you may want for the form-group element.

'defaults' => [
    'global' => [
        // Show error states by default.
        'show_errors' => true,

    'form_group' => [
        // Apply a CSS class to the root form group element globally.
        'class' => null,

        // Apply a margin bottom by default to form groups (except for last child).
        'margin_bottom' => true,

        // Render a border on top of each form group by default.
        // Does not render on first of type form groups in a container.
        // This option only applies to inline form groups as well.
        'border' => true,

        // Make all form groups show the label inline with the input by default.
        'inline' => false,

        // Apply a CSS class to the form group label container globally.
        'label_container_class' => null,

        // Apply a CSS class to the form group content globally.
        'content_class' => null,

These directives are used internally by the component and aren't necessary for you to reach for yourself.


The main directive for the form group, and is applied to the root. This directive scopes the id for a label using Alpine's x-id directive.


A directive used to attach a click event listener onto the label inside a form group. This click event listener will give focus to a custom-select or quill rich text editor instance if one is present in the form group.

Form Error
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