
File Upload

The file-upload component provides a custom file input for your forms. It can easily be integrated into your livewire forms as well just by adding a wire:model to the input.

To take advantage of the upload progress offered by the file-upload component, the following third-party libraries are required:

  • Alpine.js

See Third-Party Assets on the installation guide for further setup information.

In its most basic usage, you can use it as a self-closing component and pass it a name:

<x-file-upload name="avatar" />

By default, if you add a wire:model to the component, it will hook into livewire's file uploads and display upload progress when a file is selected. A progress bar indicating upload progress is shown once an upload has been started.

If you would like to not show progress, or to handle the display of the upload progress yourself, you may pass in a false value for the display-upload-progress attribute.

<x-file-upload wire:model="avatar" :display-upload-progress="false" />

{note} Since the upload progress hooks into livewire events, it will not be shown unless you provide a wire:model to it.

By default, the file-upload component is configured to render the upload progress in a non-native progress element with aria attributes for accessibility. This is done to help ensure styling consistency across browsers. If this is not a concern for your application, you can set the useNativeProgressBar attribute to true, and the component will use the <progress> element instead to show upload progress.

<x-file-upload use-native-progress-bar />

The file-upload component allows you to place some markup before the input element for something like a photo preview once a file is selected. The following example shows displaying a user avatar preview in a livewire component:

This slot is completely optional, and can be omitted if you don't need to show a file preview.

<x-file-upload name="avatar" wire:model="avatar">
        @if ($avatar)
        <span class="block w-20 h-20">
                class="rounded-full w-full"
                src="{{ $avatar->temporaryUrl() }}"

You can of course omit the default slot and provide content in the after slot to show a file preview on the right side of the input. Other content could also be shown in this slot as well.

<x-file-upload name="avatar">
        <div>After input slot content.</div>

{note} You will not have access to the x-data scope in the component. Use the After Input Slot if you need access to it.

This slot allows for placing any kind of markup after the input and/or file upload progress bar. You will have access to the Alpine variables isUploading and progress in this slot. This slot is useful if you are not using Livewire to upload your files, but still want to display a file upload progress bar.

{note} You may need to manually include the form-components::components.files.partials.upload-progress view partial if you're not using Livewire.

You can use the component to upload multiple files by providing the multiple attribute to the component. If you're using livewire and wire:model, just make sure your model is an array to handle the uploads.

For convenience, you may specify a type attribute that will limit the types of files that can be selected. If a supported type is entered, the component will set the accept attribute on the file input. The following types are supported:

type rendered accept value
audio audio/*
image image/*
video video/*
pdf .pdf
csv .csv
spreadsheet .csv,application/,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
excel .csv,application/,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
text text/plain
html text/html

If the type you need isn't listed here, or you need to limit the type further, you are free to specify a value for the accept attribute yourself.

prop description
name The name of the file input
id The ID of the file input. Defaults to name
multiple A boolean indicating the file input supports multi-file upload
type The type of file the input accepts
showErrors If a validation error is present for the input, it will show the error state on the input
displayUploadProgress A boolean value indicating if the progress bar should be displayed on livewire file uploads
size Define a size for the input. Default size is md
containerClass Defines a CSS class to apply to the container of the input
useNativeProgressBar A boolean value indicating if a native progress bar should be used. Default is false
extraAttributes Pass an array of HTML attributes to render on the input
slot description
after Place to put markup for a file preview on the right side of the input
afterInput Allows custom markup inside of the x-data scope

The following configuration keys and values can be adjusted for common default behavior you may want for the file upload element.

'defaults' => [
    'global' => [
        // Show error states by default.
        'show_errors' => true,

    'input' => [
        // Supported: 'sm', 'md', 'lg'
        // Applies to all input types except for checkbox/radios and custom select.
        'size' => 'md',

    'file_upload' => [
        // Display a file upload progress bar by default.
        // Only shows if a "wire:model" is present.
        'display_upload_progress' => true,

        // Use the native HTML5 progress bar by default.
        // Not recommended if you need consistent styling across browsers.
        'use_native_progress_bar' => false,

        // Globally apply a CSS class to each file upload container.
        'container_class' => null,

        // Globally apply a CSS class to each file upload input.
        'input_class' => null,
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