
Additional Pages

While the plugin offers a decent starting point, you may find yourself needing to add additional profile pages, depending on your application's requirements. This documentation page will detail the process and requirements for adding your own profile pages.

First, you need to define a page class. Your page class should extend Filament's Page component. In this package, we are making use of Filament's Clusters feature, so you'll need to define the Profile::class as your page's $cluster (see example below).

Here's a simple example of a custom page you can define:

namespace App\Filament\Pages;

use Filament\Pages\Page;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Htmlable;
use Rawilk\ProfileFilament\Filament\Clusters\Profile;

class Notifications extends Page
    protected static string $view = 'filament.pages.notifications';
    protected static ?string $cluster = Profile::class;

    public static function getNavigationLabel(): string
        return __('Notifications');

    public static function getNavigationIcon(): ?string
        return 'heroicon-o-bell';

    public static function getSlug(): string
        // do not prefix with `profile`, since the cluster's
        // slug will already be prefixed to this slug.
        return 'notifications';

    public static function getTitle(): string|Htmlable
        return __('Notifications');

As long as your page is registered correctly in your panel, the page should automatically be added to the profile's navigation items. If you want to group your pages together, you can provide a string to the $navigationGroup property on your page class.

{tip} To offer flexibility in custom page placement, we stagger the default page sorts from the package in increments of 10.

{note} Make sure your panel knows about your page. If your page isn't auto-discovered by your panel, you may need to add it to your panel's pages.

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