Advanced Usage


There are a lot of events that are dispatched from this package. Listening for these events can help you perform additional logging or send out security alerts to your users.

The following events are dispatched from the package. The base namespace for each event is Rawilk\ProfileFilament\Events.

Namespace: AuthenticatorApps\TwoFactorAppAdded

This event is dispatched when an authenticator (totp) app is registered for a user. It will receive the following parameters:

  • $user: The authenticated user
  • $authenticatorApp: The AuthenticatorApp model being registered

Namespace: AuthenticatorApps\TwoFactorAppRemoved

This event is dispatched when an authenticator (totp) app is deleted. It will receive the following parameters:

  • $user: The authenticated user
  • $authenticatorApp: The AuthenticatorApp model being deleted

Namespace: AuthenticatorApps\TwoFactorAppUpdated

This event is dispatched when an authenticator app's name is updated. It will receive the following parameters:

  • $user: The authenticated user
  • $authenticatorApp: The AuthenticatorApp model being updated

Namespace: AuthenticatorApps\TwoFactorAppUsed

This event is dispatched when an authenticator (totp) app is used to verify a user's identity. It will receive the following parameters:

  • $user: The user the app belongs to
  • $authenticatorApp: The AuthenticatorApp model being used

Namespace: Passkeys\PasskeyDeleted

This event is dispatched when user deletes a passkey. It will receive the following parameters:

  • $passkey: The WebauthnKey passkey model being deleted
  • $user: The user the passkey belongs to

Namespace: Passkeys\PasskeyRegistered

This event is dispatched when user registers a passkey. It will receive the following parameters:

  • $passkey: The WebauthnKey passkey model being registered
  • $user: The user the passkey belongs to

Namespace: Passkeys\PasskeyUpdated

This event is dispatched when user updates a passkey's name. It will receive the following parameters:

  • $passkey: The WebauthnKey passkey model being updated
  • $user: The user the passkey belongs to

Namespace: PendingUserEmails\EmailAddressReverted

This event is dispatched when user clicks the revert url link in the Pending Email Verified email. It will receive the following parameters:

  • $user: The user reverting their email
  • $revertedFrom: The email address that was cancelled
  • $revertedTo: The email address the user will now use

Namespace: PendingUserEmails\NewUserEmailVerified

This event is dispatched when a user verifies an email address change. It will receive the following parameters:

  • $user: The user that verified their new email address
  • $previousEmail: The user's previous email address

Namespace: Profile\ProfileInformationUpdated

This event is dispatched when a user updates their profile information. It will receive the following parameters:

  • $user: The authenticated user

Namespace: Sudo\SudoModeActivated

This event is dispatched when user successfully confirms their identity for sudo mode. It will receive the following parameters:

  • $user: The user that entered sudo mode
  • $request: The current request object

Namespace: Sudo\SudoModeChallenged

This event is dispatched when user is shown a sudo mode prompt. It will receive the following parameters:

  • $user: The user that was shown the sudo prompt
  • $request: The current request object

Namespace: Webauthn\WebauthnKeyDeleted

This event is dispatched when user deletes a webauthn key from their account. It will receive the following parameters:

  • $webauthnKey: The webauthn key being deleted
  • $user: The user the key belongs to

Namespace: Webauthn\WebauthnKeyRegistered

This event is dispatched when user registers a new webauthn key to their account. It will receive the following parameters:

  • $webauthnKey: The webauthn key being registered
  • $user: The user the key belongs to

Namespace: Webauthn\WebauthnKeyUpdated

This event is dispatched when user deletes a webauthn updates a webauthn key's name. It will receive the following parameters:

  • $webauthnKey: The webauthn key being updated
  • $user: The user the key belongs to

Namespace: Webauthn\WebauthnKeyUpgradeToPasskey

This event is dispatched when user upgrades a webauthn key to a passkey. It will receive the following parameters:

  • $user: The user the key belongs to
  • $passkey: The newly registered passkey
  • $upgradedFrom: The webauthn key that was upgraded (and deleted)

Namespace: Webauthn\WebauthnKeyUsed

This event is dispatched when user uses a webauthn key to verify their identity. It will receive the following parameters:

  • $user: The user the key belongs to
  • $webauthnKey: The webauthn key being used

{tip} This will also be dispatched when for a passkey when it is used.

Namespace: RecoveryCodeReplaced

This event is dispatched when user uses a recovery code and it is replaced. It will receive the following parameters:

  • $user: The user using a recovery code
  • $oldCode: The code that was used
  • $newCode: The new code being assigned to the user

Namespace: RecoveryCodesRegenerated

This event is dispatched when user regenerates their recovery codes. It will receive the following parameters:

  • $user: The user regenerating recovery codes

Namespace: RecoveryCodesViewed

This event is dispatched when user views their recovery codes. It will receive the following parameters:

  • $user: The user viewing their recovery codes

Namespace: TwoFactorAuthenticationChallenged

This event is dispatched when a user is forced to verify their identity with two-factor authentication. It will receive the following parameters:

  • $user: The user being challenged

Namespace: TwoFactorAuthenticationWasDisabled

This event is dispatched when a user removes every mfa method on their account and has mfa disabled. It will receive the following parameters:

  • $user: The user disabling mfa

Namespace: TwoFactorAuthenticationWasEnabled

This event is dispatched when a user first adds a second factor of authentication and mfa is enabled on their account. It will receive the following parameters:

  • $user: The user enabling mfa

Namespace: UserDeletedAccount

This event is dispatched when a user deletes their own account. It will receive the following parameters:

  • $user: The user being deleted

Namespace: UserPasswordWasUpdated

This event is dispatched when a user updates their password. It will receive the following parameters:

  • $user: The user updating their password
Sudo Mode
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