

Upgrade Guide

Upgrading from an earlier version? Check out the previous upgrade guide first.

While I attempt to document every possible breaking change, I may have missed some things. Make sure to thoroughly test your integration before deploying when upgrading.

Likelihood Of Impact: Medium

You should update the following dependencies in your application's composer.json file if you haven't already:

  • laravel/framework to ^10.0

{note} The Laravel version 10.x is the minimum version your application must be running. This package supports the latest 12.x Laravel version as well.

Likelihood Of Impact: Medium

The server your application is running on must be using a minimum of php 8.2.

Likelihood Of Impact: Low

If you have a custom driver with a Printer object that implements the Printer interface, you must now implement the Arrayable and JsonSerializable interfaces on your Printer object as well.

Likelihood Of Impact: Low

If you have a custom driver, the option() method signature on the PrintTask interface has changed to allow support for passing in enums for option keys. Your signature should now match this:

public function option(BackedEnum|string $key, $value): self;

Likelihood Of Impact: Low

If you have a custom driver, the date() method signature on the PrintJob interface has changed. Your print job object must also implement the Arrayable and JsonSerializable interfaces as well.

Here is the updated date method signature for PrintJob:

public function date(): ?CarbonInterface;

Likelihood Of Impact: Low

Every custom exception class thrown by the package now either extends the Rawilk\Printing\Exceptions\PrintingException base exception and/or implements the Rawilk\Printing\Exceptions\ExceptionInterface interface.

This shouldn't really affect anything, however you may now listen for that base exception or interface in a try/catch instead to catch any exceptions the package will throw.

Likelihood Of Impact: Low

The Rawilk\Printing\Exceptions\PrintNodeApiRequestFailed Exception has been deprecated in favor of moving that exception closer to the api implementation for PrintNode. It will be removed in a future version.

The new exception is now located at: Rawilk\Printing\Api\PrintNode\Exceptions\PrintNodeApiRequestFailed

Likelihood Of Impact: Low

Every Entity class under the Rawilk\Printing\Api\PrintNode\Entity has been removed. These classes have all been refactored to extend a new base Rawilk\Printing\Api\PrintNode\PrintNodeObject base class, and each of the resource classes now live in the Rawilk\Printing\Api\PrintNode\Resources namespace.

Any custom collection classes, such as the Printers collection have been removed all-together in favor of plain Laravel collections.

Likelihood Of Impact: High

The ContentType class from the PrintNode driver has been removed in favor of an enum instead. If you are setting the content type for a print job with the PrintNode driver and reference this class, be sure to update your references to the following:

use Rawilk\Printing\Api\PrintNode\Enums\ContentType;

$contentType = ContentType::PdfBase64;

Likelihood Of Impact: Medium

First off, the api key is not required to be filled within the config/printing.php driver config for PrintNode anymore. You may either use an empty array for the printnode config, or set the key configuration key to null.

If you are setting the API used to make requests to PrintNode at runtime, you will need to update your code. Setting the api key via config is still supported, however and remains unchanged.

There are now actually a few different ways you can use a specific api key for a single request. The first way involves passing the api key through as a request option.

    ->content('hello world')
    ->send(['api_key' => 'my-key']);

// Also works with other method calls
Printing::printer($printerId, [], ['api_key' => 'my-key']);

{note} You cannot utilize php's named arguments when passing in extra parameters like this because these arguments do not exist on the underlying Printing service class method signatures.

Another option you have for dynamically setting the api key is by setting it on the PrintNode api class.

use Rawilk\Printing\Api\PrintNode\PrintNode;


{note} An api key set in the config/printing.php configuration for printnode will take precedence over this method. Set the config value to null to avoid any issues if you are doing this.

One other way to update the api key is by setting it on the driver itself. This is the least recommended way of doing it, but it's still an option.


Likelihood Of Impact: Low

Unless your application is interacting with the PrintNode api wrapper directly, this won't affect you. The PrintNode api integration has been completely refactored in this version, and all the method calls to the api have been removed from this class.

Each resource is now fetched or created from service classes that are referenced by the PrintNodeClient class.

Likelihood Of Impact: Low

The constructor of the Rawilk\Printing\Drivers\PrintNode\Entity\Printer printer now accepts the Printer resource class instead from the PrintNode api wrapper. It has also been set to readonly on the class. The resource class will also now be returned when the printer() method is called from this object.

Likelihood Of Impact: Low

The constructor of the Rawilk\Printing\Drivers\PrintNode\Entity\PrintJob print job now accepts the PrintJob resource class instead from the PrintNode api wrapper. It has also been set to readonly on the class. The resource class will also now be returned when the job() method is called from this object.

Likelihood Of Impact: Low

The constructor of the Rawilk\Printing\Drivers\Cups\Entity\Printer now accepts the Printer resource class from the Cups api wrapper.

Likelihood Of Impact: Low

The constructor of the Rawilk\Printing\Drivers\Cups\Entity\PrintJob now accepts the PrintJob resource class from the Cups api wrapper.

Likelihood Of Impact: Low

The Rawilk\Printing\Drivers\Cups\PrintTask class now wraps the new CupsClient api wrapper, and defers all resource calls to it.

Likelihood Of Impact: Low

Unless your application is interacting with the Cups api wrapper directly, this won't affect you. The Cups api integration has been completely refactored in this version, and all the method calls to the api have been removed from this class.

Each resource is now fetched or created from service classes that are referenced by the CupsClient class.

Likelihood Of Impact: Low

The singletons for the CUPS and PrintNode API wrappers have been removed, however the client classes can still be resolved out of the container. For example, for PrintNode you would resolve it like this now:

use Rawilk\Printing\Api\PrintNode\PrintNodeClient;

$client = app(PrintNodeClient::class, ['config' => ['api_key' => 'your-api-key']]);

If you were resolving the singletons for printing.factory or printing.driver out of the container, you now need to resolve them using the class names instead.

use Rawilk\Printing\Factory;
use Rawilk\Printing\Contracts\Driver;

// printing.factory

// printing.driver

I also encourage you to view the changes in the rawilk/laravel-printing GitHub repository. There may be changes not documented here that affect your integration. You can easily view all changes between this version and version 3.x with the GitHub comparison tool.
