
Advanced Usage

Receipt Printing

If you have a receipt printer, you can easily print receipts to it via the Rawilk\Printing\Receipts\ReceiptPrinter. This will generate a string that you can then send to your receipt printer.

use Rawilk\Printing\Receipts\ReceiptPrinter;

// First generate the receipt
$receipt = (string) (new ReceiptPrinter)
    ->text('My heading')
    ->twoColumnText('Item 1', '2.00')
    ->twoColumnText('Item 2', '4.00')

// Now send the string to your receipt printer

If you are using the PrintNode driver, the content will be base64_encoded automatically for you.

Like many classes in this package, the ReceiptPrinter is Conditionable, so you may chain on conditions using when.

$receipt = (string) (new ReceiptPrinter)
        $someCondition === true,
        fn (ReceiptPrinter $printer) => $printer->centerAlign()

The package's ReceiptPrinter implementation is actually a wrapper around the Mike42\Escpos\Printer class. Most method calls are forwarded to that class if they are not found on the ReceiptPrinter. Some methods have also been added to make interacting with it more convenient.

Center align any new text.

Left align any new text.

Right align any new text.

Set the left margin for any new text. The unit for the margin will be dots.

param type default
$margin int 0

Set the line height for any new text. The unit for the line height will be dots. Use null or omit the $height parameter to reset the line height to the printer's defaults for any new text.

param type default
$height int null

Write a line of text to the receipt.

param type default description
$text string the text to print
$insertNewLine bool true Set to true to insert a new line character at the end of your string

Insert a line of text split into two columns, left and right justified. Useful for stuff like writing a line item and its price on a line.

param type
$left string
$right string

Print a barcode to the receipt.

param type default
$barcodeContent string
$type int Mike42\Escpos\Printer::BARCODE_CODE39

Print a line across the receipt using the - character.

Print a line across the receipt using the = character.

Close the connection to the receipt printer (this package uses a DummyConnection). This is automatically called for you.

Instruct the receipt printer to cut the paper; can be called multiple times.

param type default
$mode int Mike42\Escpos\Printer::CUT_FULL
$lines int 3

Feed an empty line(s) to the receipt printer.

param type default
$lines int 1

{tip} Any methods not listed here can be found in the underlying Mike42\Escpos\Printer class.

Print Tasks