

Computer Service

The ComputerService can be used to fetch all computers associated with your PrintNode account. It can also be used to delete computers from your account.

All methods are callable from the PrintNodeClient class.

$computers = $client->computers->all();

See the API Overview for more information on interacting with the PrintNode API.

Collection<int, Rawilk\Printing\Api\PrintNode\Resources\Computer>

Retrieves all computers associated with your PrintNode account.

param type default
$params array|null null
$opts null|array|RequestOptions null


Retrieve a computer from the API.

param type default description
$id int the computer's ID
$params array|null null not applicable to this request
$opts null|array|RequestOptions null

Collection<int, Rawilk\Printing\Api\PrintNode\Resources\Computer>

Retrieve a specific set of computers.

param type default description
$ids array the IDs of the computers to retrieve
$params array|null null
$opts null|array|RequestOptions null


Delete a given computer. Method will return an array of affected computer IDs.

param type default description
$id int the computer's ID
$params array|null null not applicable to this request
$opts null|array|RequestOptions null


Delete a set of computers. Omit or use an empty array of $ids to delete all computers. Method will return an array of affected IDs.

param type default description
$ids array the IDs of the computers to delete
$params array|null null
$opts null|array|RequestOptions null

Collection<int, Rawilk\Printing\Api\PrintNode\Resources\Printer>

Retrieve all printers attached to a given computer.

param type default description
$parentId int|array the computer's ID. pass an array to retrieve printers for multiple computers
$params array|null null
$opts null|array|RequestOptions null

Collection<int, Rawilk\Printing\Api\PrintNode\Resources\Printer>

Retrieve one or many printers attached to a given computer.

param type default description
$parentId int|array the computer's ID. pass an array to retrieve printers for multiple computers
$printerId int|array the printer's ID. pass an array to retrieve a set of printers
$params array|null null
$opts null|array|RequestOptions null


A computer represents a device that has the PrintNode Client software installed on it, and which has successfully connected to PrintNode. When the PrintNode Client runs on a computer it automatically reports the existence of the computer to the server. From then on the computer is recognized by the API.


The computer's ID.


Time and date the computer was first registered with PrintNode.


The computer's name.


Current state of the computer.


The computer's host name.


The computer's ipv4 address.


The computer's ivp6 address.




The PrintNode software version that is run on the computer.


A date object representing the time and date the computer was first registered with PrintNode.

Collection<int, Rawilk\Printing\Api\PrintNode\Resources\Printer>

Fetch all printers attached to the computer.

$printers = $computer->printers();
param type default
$params null|array null
$opts null|array|RequestOptions null


Find a specific printer attached to the printer. Pass an array for $id to find a set of printers.

$printer = $computer->findPrinter(100);
param type default
$id int|array
$params null|array null
$opts null|array|RequestOptions null


Delete the computer instance.

param type default
$params null|array null
$opts null|array|RequestOptions null

Collection<int, Rawilk\Printing\Api\PrintNode\Resources\Computer>

Retrieve all computers.

param type default
$params null|array null
$opts null|array|RequestOptions null


Retrieve a computer with a given id.

$computer = Computer::retrieve(100);
param type default
$id int
$params null|array null
$opts null|array|RequestOptions null