
Basic Usage

Print Tasks

A print task is used to send and print a document on the printer.

Print tasks can be sent to your printer by creating a new print task. At the bare minimum, you need your printer's id, and the content you are going to print.

use Rawilk\Printing\Facades\Printing;


There are several options you can set for a print job. You should consult with your print driver to see which options you have available to you.

    ->jobTitle('my job title')
    ->option('fit_to_page', true) // 'fit_to_page' is an available PrintNode option
    ->tray('Tray 1') // check if your driver and printer supports this

Depending on the driver being used, there may be additional methods and even parameters to some of the standard methods shown above. Be sure to consult the documentation for your chosen driver to see what is available in the driver's print task api.

The base PrintTask class has been made Conditionable, so certain methods can be conditionally applied through when.

use Rawilk\Printing\PrintTask;

        $someCondition === true,
        fn (PrintTask $task) => $task->content('...')


This is a general reference for the base PrintTask class/interface. Refer to the print task of your driver for a more complete reference.


Set the content to be printed.

param type
$content string


Use the contents of a file to print. This should typically be a pdf file, however some drivers may support printing different file types.

param type
$filePath string


Use the contents of a given url to print.

param type
$url string


Set's the name of the new print job. If a title is not specified, a random string will be used for the job title.

param type
$jobTitle string


Set the printer to send the new job to. This is a requirement for all drivers when creating new print jobs.

param type
$printerId string|int|\Rawilk\Printing\Contracts\Printer


Sets the source of the print. This defaults to the application's name from config('') and typically doesn't need to be set manually. Some drivers may even ignore this value, as it's not used in them.

param type
$printSource string


Specify tags for the new job. Not all drivers support this feature, so by default this method call does nothing. Refer to your driver of choice to see if this is available.

param type
$tags array|mixed


Specify a tray to print to, if supported by the printer. Not all drivers may support this, so this method call does nothing by default. Refer to your driver of choice to see if this is available.

param type
$tray string|mixed


Specify how many copies of the print job should be printed. Not all drivers may support this, so by default this method does nothing. Refer to your driver of choice to see if this is supported.

param type
$copies int


Set an option for the print job. Options differ by print driver, so refer to your driver for the options that can be set.

param type
$key string|BackedEnum
$value mixed