



The PrintTask provided by the PrintNode driver offers some additional functionality to the base PrintTask class, as detailed below.

Refer to PrintTask for anything not detailed here.


Sets the content to be printed. You may also specify the content type through here as well. With PrintNode, you may either print raw content or pdf content. The driver will automatically base64_encode the content for you.

param type default
$content string
$contentType string\Rawilk\Printing\Api\PrintNode\Enums\ContentType ContentType::RawBase64


Specify a file path to fetch the contents from to print. With PrintNode, the file must be a PDF file. The driver will handle encoding the pdf content with base64_encode automatically.

param type
$filePath string


Specify an url for PrintNode to fetch content from to print. PrintNode typically expects an url to a pdf document, however raw html content can also be printed by setting the $raw argument to true.

param type default
$url string
$raw bool false

See withAuth if your url requires authentication to access it.


Set an option for the print job. Please refer to PrintJob Options for a reference to all options supported by PrintNode.

You may also refer to and use the PrintJobOption enum for setting options on a print job.

param type
$key string|PrintJobOption
$value mixed


Specify a range of pages to print from a PDF.

param type default
$start string|int
$end string|int|null null


  • To print pages 1 through 3: ->range(1, 3)
  • To print pages 1 and 3: ->range('1,3')
  • To print pages 1 through 5 inclusive: ->range('-5')
  • To print all pages except page 2: ->range('1,3', '-')


Print to a specific tray on a printer if the printer supports it.

param type
$tray string


The number of copies to print. Defaults to 1. Maximum value is as reported by the printer capabilities property copies on the printer.

param type
$copies int


Specify the content type for the print job.

param type
$contentType string|Rawilk\Printing\Api\PrintNode\Enums\ContentType


Indicates the printer should automatically fit the document to the page.

param type
$condition bool


Specify the name of the paper size to print on. This must be one of the keys in the object returned by the printer capability property papers.

param type
$paper string


The maximum number of seconds PrintNode should retain the print job in the event the print job cannot be printed immediately. The current default is 14 days, or 1,209,600 seconds.

The value provided to this method should be in seconds.

param type
$expireAfter int


A positive integer specifying the number of times this print job should be delivered to the print queue. This differs from the copies option in that this will send the document to the printer multiple times and does not rely on printer driver support.

This is the only way to produce multiple copies when RAW printing.

This value defaults to 1.

param type
$qty int


When sending an url to PrintNode to print, and that url requires authentication to access it, this method should be used.

This supports both HTTP basic and Digest Authentication where you can specify a username and password.

param type default
$username string
$password string
$authenticationType string|Rawilk\Printing\Api\PrintNode\Enums\AuthenticationType AuthenticationType::Basic


Create and send the print job to your printer. The driver will return an object representing the print job.

You may also specify a specific api key to use and/or additional headers to send through with the request with the $opts argument.

param type default
$opts null|array|Rawilk\Printing\Api\PrintNode\Util\RequestOptions null

The most common use case for this argument is setting an api key to use for a single request. You can do so like this:

    ->content('Hello world')
        'api_key' => 'my-key',

PrintNode also supports setting an Idempotency Key Header with this request. This ensures PrintNode will only print a print job once, even if you submit a job multiple times to the API.

The driver will automatically set this header for you, however you may wish to specify your own key for this. You may do so like this:

    ->content('Hello world')
        'idempotency_key' => 'foo',