
Upgrade Guide

Upgrading from v2 to v3

{info} I've attempted to document every possible breaking change, however there may be some issues I've missed. If you run into a breaking change not documented here, please submit a PR to the docs to update it.

Laravel 10.0 is now required. If you are still using Laravel 8.0 or 9.0, you will need to upgrade to Laravel 10.0 before upgrading to v3.

laravel-settings now requires PHP 8.1.0 or greater.

The following configuration options should be added to your config/settings.php file if you have it published:

    | Teams
    | When set to true the package implements teams using the `team_foreign_key`.
    | If you want the migrations to register the `team_foreign_key`, you must
    | set this to true before running the migration.
    | If you already ran the migrations, then you must make a new migration to
    | add the `team_foreign_key` column to the settings table, and update the
    | unique constraint on the table. See the `add_settings_team_field` migration
    | for how to do this.
    'teams' => false,

    | Team Foreign Key
    | When teams is set to true, our database/eloquent drivers will use this
    | column as a team foreign key to scope queries to.
    | The team id will also be included in a cache key when caching is enabled.
    'team_foreign_key' => 'team_id',

    | Context Serializer
    | The context serializer is responsible for converting a Context object
    | into a string, which gets appended to a setting key in the database.
    | Any custom serializer you use must implement the
    | \Rawilk\Settings\Contracts\ContextSerializer interface.
    | Supported:
    | - \Rawilk\Settings\Support\ContextSerializers\ContextSerializer (default)
    | - \Rawilk\Settings\Support\ContextSerializers\DotNotationContextSerializer
    'context_serializer' => \Rawilk\Settings\Support\ContextSerializers\ContextSerializer::class,

    | Key Generator
    | The key generator is responsible for generating a suitable key for a
    | setting.
    | Any custom key generator you use must implement the
    | \Rawilk\Settings\Contracts\KeyGenerator interface.
    | Supported:
    | - \Rawilk\Settings\Support\KeyGenerators\ReadableKeyGenerator
    | - \Rawilk\Settings\Support\KeyGenerators\Md5KeyGenerator (default)
    'key_generator' => \Rawilk\Settings\Support\KeyGenerators\Md5KeyGenerator::class,

    | Value Serializer
    | By default, we use php's serialize() and unserialize() functions to
    | prepare the setting values for storage. You may use the `JsonValueSerializer`
    | instead if you want to store the values as json instead.
    | Any custom value serializer you use must implement the
    | \Rawilk\Settings\Contracts\ValueSerializer interface.
    'value_serializer' => \Rawilk\Settings\Support\ValueSerializers\ValueSerializer::class,

    | Cache Default Value
    | When a setting is not persisted, we will cache the passed in default value
    | if this is set to true. This may not always be desirable, so you can
    | disable it here if needed.
    'cache_default_value' => true,

With teams being supported in v3, a new migration has been added to add a team_id column to the settings table. If you are using the database or eloquent drivers and plan on using teams, be sure to set the teams configuration option to true, and then publish and run the new migration from the package:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="settings-migrations"
php artisan migrate

Some of the interfaces have changed, so if you are using custom drivers or extending any of ours, be sure to update your code to be compatible with the updated interfaces.

All the method signatures in the Driver interface have changed to accept a $teamId = null argument. There are also new methods added for all() and flush(). Here's what the interface looks like now:



namespace Rawilk\Settings\Contracts;

use Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable;

interface Driver
    public function forget($key, $teamId = null);

    public function get(string $key, $default = null, $teamId = null);

    public function all($teamId = null, $keys = null): array|Arrayable;

    public function has($key, $teamId = null): bool;

    public function set(string $key, $value = null, $teamId = null);

    public function flush($teamId = null, $keys = null);

All method signatures in the Setting contract have changed to accept a $teamId = null argument. New methods for getAll() and flush() have been added as well. Here's what the interface looks like now:



namespace Rawilk\Settings\Contracts;

use Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable;

interface Setting
    public static function getValue(string $key, $default = null, $teamId = null);

    public static function getAll($teamId = null, $keys = null): array|Arrayable;

    public static function has($key, $teamId = null): bool;

    public static function removeSetting($key, $teamId = null);

    public static function set(string $key, $value = null, $teamId = null);

    public static function flush($teamId = null, $keys = null);

A deleted model event observer has been added to the trait to flush any model settings when the model is deleted. In most cases, you shouldn't need to do anything, however you may disable this behavior by setting a $flushSettingsOnDelete static property on the model to false.

The Setting model has been updated to support teams and conform with the updated Setting interface. If you are extending this model, you may need to update your code to be compatible with the new model.

Several changes have been made to the underlying Rawilk\Settings\Settings service class. For most people there shouldn't be any action required, however if you are adding macros to the class, you may need to tweak them to be compatible with updated class.

If you were manually generating cache keys for settings for whatever reason, you will need to change how you do it now. Since the KeyGenerator class can be different based on configuration, you should use the new cacheKeyForSetting method on the Settings facade instead. This will take into account current team id and context as well.

$cacheKey = Settings::cacheKeyForSetting('foo');

// With context
$cacheKey = Settings::context(new Context(['id' => 1]))->cacheKeyForSetting('foo');
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