Basic Usage

Contextual Settings

If you need settings based on context, let's say for a specific user, you can do that easily as well using the Rawilk\Settings\Support\Context class.

use Rawilk\Settings\Support\Context;
use Rawilk\Settings\Facades\Settings;

$userContext = new Context(['user_id' => 1]);
$user2Context = new Context(['user_id' => 2]);

Settings::context($userContext)->set('notifications', true);
Settings::context($user2Context)->set('notifications', false);

Settings::context($userContext)->isTrue('notifications'); // true
Settings::context($user2Context)->isTrue('notifications'); // false

{tip} You can put anything you want in context, as long as it's in array form, however the values must be numeric, strings, or booleans.

If you're looking to scope settings globally to a team or tenant, check out the teams documentation for more information. This can be much easier than using the Context all the time for multi-tenant or team based applications.

Basic Usage
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