Basic Usage


As of v3, laravel-settings supports using teams or multi-tenancy. This means you can have settings scoped to a team, and retrieve them by team. By default, teams are disabled, however you can easily enable them by setting the teams config option to true.

{info} These configuration changes must be made before running the migrations when first installing the package or when upgrading from v2.

If you have already run the migrations and want to upgrade your implementation, you can add a migration and copy the contents of the add_settings_team_field migration from the package after you make the configuration changes below.

To enable teams, you must enable it in the settings config file:

// config/settings.php
'teams' = true,

If you want to use a custom foreign key for teams, you can also set it in the config file:

// config/settings.php
'team_foreign_key' => 'custom_team_id',

After implementing a solution for selecting a team on the authentication process (for example, setting the team_id of the currently selected team on the session: session(['team_id' => $team->id]);), we can set the global team_id from anywhere, but we recommend setting it in a middleware.

Example Team Middleware:

namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Rawilk\Settings\Facades\Settings;

class TeamMiddleware
    public function handle($request, Closure $next)
        if (auth()->check()) {

        // Other custom ways to get the team id
        /* if (! empty(auth('api')->user())) {
            // `getTeamIdFromToken()` example of custom method for getting the set team_id
        } */

        return $next($request);

{note} You must add your custom middleware to the web middleware group in app/Http/Kernel.php, or any other middleware groups that you want to use it in.

With the team id set on Settings, the service will automatically set the team id on any settings that are persisted or retrieved from the database.

While your middleware may set the current team id for settings, you may need to change it later to another team for various reasons. The two most common reasons are:

If your application allows the user to switch between various teams which they belong to, you can activate the team id for settings by calling the setTeamId method:


You may have created a user management page where you can view the settings of users on certain teams. For managing that user in each team they belong to, you must use the setTeamId method on Settings to cause settings to be scoped for that specific team.

If you need to switch back to the current team id, you can use the getTeamId method on Settings.

$currentTeamId = Settings::getTeamId();


// Revert back to original team id of request.

{tip} You can pass in an eloquent model to setTeamId instead of an id if you prefer.

As of v3.2.0, to make administering team settings easier, we've added the following convenience methods to Settings:

  • usingTeam($teamId): Use this method to scope settings to a specific team on a single call.
  • withoutTeams(): Use this method to remove team scoping for a single call.
settings()->usingTeam('my-team-id')->set('foo', 'bar');

The Context object can be used in conjunction with teams for further scoping of settings. The most common scenario for this would be if you have a multi-tenant application, and you want to have user-specific settings for each tenant, you can use both teams and context.

Let's say the user has a timezone configured differently for each tenant. In tenant 1, the timezone is set to 'UTC' for the user, but in tenant 2 the timezone is set to 'America/Chicago' for the user. Here's how you can combine context and teams to get those different setting values.

use Rawilk\Settings\Support\Context;
use Rawilk\Settings\Facades\Settings;

$userContext = new Context(['user_id' => 1]);


Settings::context($userContext)->get('timezone'); // UTC


Settings::context($userContext)->get('timezone'); // America/Chicago

This will also work with model settings as well. For more information on the Context object, check out the docs here.

Contextual Settings
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