

Installation & Setup

{note} You're browsing the documentation for an old version of laravel-printing. Consider upgrading your project to v3. Check your version with the following command:

`composer show rawilk/laravel-printing`

laravel-printing can be installed via composer:

composer require rawilk/laravel-printing:1.0

You may publish the config file like this:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Rawilk\Printing\PrintingServiceProvider" --tag="config"

This is the default content of config/printing.php:


return [
    | Driver
    | Supported: `printnode`, `cups`
    'driver' => env('PRINTING_DRIVER', 'printnode'),

    | Drivers
    | Configuration for each driver.
    'drivers' => [
        'printnode' => [
            'key' => env('PRINT_NODE_API_KEY'),
        'cups' => [
            'ip' => env('CUPS_SERVER_IP'),
            'username' => env('CUPS_SERVER_USERNAME'),
            'password' => env('CUPS_SERVER_PASSWORD'),
            'port' => env('CUPS_SERVER_PORT', 631),

         * Add your custom drivers here:
         * 'custom' => [
         *      'driver' => 'custom_driver',
         *      // other config for your custom driver
         * ],

    | Default Printer Id
    | If you know the id of a default printer you want to use, enter it here.
    'default_printer_id' => null,

    | Receipt Printer Options
    'receipts' => [
         * How many characters fit across a single line on the receipt paper.
         * Adjust according to your needs.
        'line_character_length' => 45,

         * The width of the print area in dots.
         * Adjust according to your needs.
        'print_width' => 550,

         * The height (in dots) barcodes should be printed normally.
        'barcode_height' => 64,

         * The width (magnification) each barcode should be printed in normally.
        'barcode_width' => 2,

To print with laravel printing, you must setup a supported print driver.

  • Review the requirements for the CUPS driver
  • If using a remote server, enter your remote server credentials in the .env file (see config).