
Global Customization

If you find yourself using the same options on multiple elements, you may find it better to modify those options globally via CSS. This way, you don't have to repeat yourself on every element. Below is an explanation of how to modify each of the options for the directives globally.

{tip} Be sure your CSS if located after the CSS for this package for any changes to take effect.

Below are the options for the x-ripple directive that can be modified globally.

If you want to change the color globally, you can do so by setting the --ripple-color CSS variable. The best place to do this in your app CSS file in a :root selector. You may define the color with any valid hex or rgb value.

:root {
    --ripple-color: #000;

By default, the ripple radius is 9999px, but you may make it more or less to suit your needs. To change it globally, you can set the --ripple-radius CSS variable in your app CSS file.

:root {
    --ripple-radius: 5%;

Now the ripple radius will be 5% instead.

By default, the ripple duration is 600ms, but you may make it more or less to suit your needs. To change it globally, you can set the --ripple-duration CSS variable in your app CSS file.

:root {
    --ripple-duration: 1000ms;

By default, the ripple timing function is linear, but you may change it to suit your needs by setting the --ripple-timing-function CSS variable in your app CSS file.

:root {
    --ripple-timing-function: ease-in-out;

Below are the options for the x-ripple-focus directive that can be modified globally.

If you want to change the color of the x-ripple-focus globally, you can do so by setting the --ripple-focus-color CSS variable in your app CSS file. You may define the color with any valid hex or rgb value.

:root {
    --ripple-focus-color: #000;

{note} If you're using the x-ripple directives, you only need to set the --ripple-color CSS variable unless you want to use a different color for the x-ripple-focus directive.

The x-ripple-focus directive uses a CSS animation to create a pulsating effect on the ripple focus element that gets appended inside your element when it is focused. There are a few customizations you may make to the animation via CSS variables. Here are the defaults that are used for the animation.

:root {
    --ripple-focus-duration: 2500ms;
    --ripple-focus-timing-function: ease-in-out;
    --ripple-focus-delay: 200ms;
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