
Basic Usage

{note} vue-context has been archived and is no longer maintained. Use caution when installing in your apps.

Using the menu requires very little setup as shown below.

To use the context menu, you need to import it into your component and then create a trigger element to open the context menu on.

        <p @contextmenu.prevent="$">
            Right click on me

        <vue-context ref="menu">
                <a @click.prevent="onClick($">
                    Option 1
                <a @click.prevent="onClick($">
                    Option 2

    import VueContext from 'vue-context';
    import 'vue-context/src/sass/vue-context.scss'; // Alternatively import into a stylesheet instead

    export default {
        components: { VueContext },

        methods: {
            onClick(text) {
                alert(`You clicked "${text}"!`);
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