Advanced Usage
Receipt Printing
{note} You're browsing the documentation for an old version of laravel-printing. Consider upgrading your project to v4. Check your version with the following command:
`composer show rawilk/laravel-printing`
If you have a receipt printer, you can easily print receipts to it via the Rawilk\Printing\Receipts\ReceiptPrinter
. This will generate a string
that you can then send to your receipt printer.
// First generate the receipt
$receipt = (string) (new ReceiptPrinter)
->text('My heading')
->twoColumnText('Item 1', '2.00')
->twoColumnText('Item 2', '4.00')
// Now send the string to your receipt printer
If you are using the PrintNode driver, the content will be base64_encoded
automatically for you.
More info on the receipt printer can be found in the api reference.