

When the app key is rotated in the artisan command, it can run any actions you define in the actions key in the config file. Any action you define must implement the Rawilk\AppKeyRotator\Contracts\RotatorAction interface. the artisan command automatically passes the package config and the instance of the Rawilk\AppKeyRotator\AppKeyRotator class, which is what handles re-encrypting values, into the handle() method of each action it calls.

Here is what the RotatorAction interface looks like:


namespace Rawilk\AppKeyRotator\Contracts;

use Rawilk\AppKeyRotator\AppKeyRotator;

interface RotatorAction
    public function handle(AppKeyRotator $appKeyRotator, array $config);

By default, the package has an action for re-encrypting Model values for your models specified in the models key. If you need to modify that behavior, you should extend the Rawilk\AppKeyRotator\Actions\ReEncryptModels action and specify it in the config.

If you need to perform other actions, such as re-encrypting data in files on your server, you can create additional actions for them. Here's an example of a custom action you could create:


namespace App\Actions\AppKeyRotator;

use Rawilk\AppKeyRotator\AppKeyRotator;
use Rawilk\AppKeyRotator\Contracts\RotatorAction;

class FileEncrypter implements RotatorAction
    public function handle(AppKeyRotator $appKeyRotator, array $config): void
        // $appKeyRotator->reEncrypt('encrypted value');
        // perform your logic here

Classes that implement the RotatorAction interface can accept parameters from the app-key-rotator config file.

'actions' => [
    \App\Support\AppKeyRotatorActions\YourAction::class => ['name' => 'value', 'anotherName' => 'value'],
    // other tasks

In your action, you can accept these parameters via the constructor. Make sure the parameter names matches those used in the config file.

namespace App\Support\AppKeyRotatorActions;

use Rawilk\AppKeyRotator\Contracts\RotatorAction;

class FileEncrypter implements RotatorAction
    public function __construct(public string $name, public string $anotherName)

    // ...

You can also use the constructor to inject dependencies. Just make sure the variable name does not conflict with one of the parameter names in the config file.

namespace App\Support\AppKeyRotatorActions;

use Rawilk\AppKeyRotator\Contracts\RotatorAction;

class FileEncrypter implements RotatorAction
    public function __construct(public string $name, public string $anotherName, public MyDependency $myDependency)

    // ...

There may be situations where you need to execute an action before the .env file is even modified. As of version 3.1.0, you will be able to define these actions in the before_actions key in the app-key-rotator config file. These actions will need to implement the \Rawilk\AppKeyRotator\Contracts\BeforeRotatorAction.

Here is the definition of that interface:


namespace Rawilk\AppKeyRotator\Contracts;

use Rawilk\AppKeyRotator\AppKeyRotator;

interface BeforeRotatorAction
    public function handle(array $config);

It's very similar to the RotatorAction, however it only accepts the package config in the handle method since the app key will not have been rotated yet. Also, like the regular actions, you may accept parameters in the constructor of your before actions.

As of version 3.1.0 this is a pre-defined action that will run in the before_actions. It will create a backup of your .env file before our package modifies it. The action accepts a filename parameter from the config, so you will be able to customize where that backup is saved to, relative to the root of your application. It is defaulted to .env.backup, but you are able to change that name according to your needs.

You can also define the filename in your .env file under the ENV_BACKUP_FILENAME key if you wish.

'before_actions' => [
    \Rawilk\AppKeyRotator\Actions\BackupEnvAction::class => ['filename' => env('ENV_BACKUP_FILENAME', '.env.backup')],

{tip} If you choose to have this action run, it would be a good idea to add the filename to your .gitignore file so it doesn't get committed to source control.

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