Basic Usage

Model Settings

{note} You're browsing the documentation for an old version of laravel-settings. Consider upgrading your project to v3. Check your version with the following command:

composer show rawilk/laravel-settings

Starting with version 2.1.0, models can easily have their own settings by using the \Rawilk\Settings\Models\HasSettings trait. This trait will automatically create a new \Rawilk\Settings\Support\Context object with properties that uniquely identify the model. See the context section for more information.

First, use the HasSettings trait in your Eloquent model.

// ...
use Rawilk\Settings\Models\HasSettings;

class User extends Model
    use HasSettings;

Now whenever you need to interact with settings that are specific to that model, you can call settings(), which will return an instance of \Rawilk\Settings\Settings. This is essentially the same as calling \Rawilk\Settings\Facades\Settings::context(...). This will allow you to do anything you could on the facade, but specifically for the model.

To store a setting:

$user->settings()->set('foo', 'bar');

To retrieve a setting:


{tip} You are able to specify a default value when retrieving a setting just like you can with the facade.

By default, when context() is called on a model, it will create a new \Rawilk\Settings\Support\Context object with the model's class and ID. If you need to override this behavior, you may override the context method on your model, but make sure you return a Context object. If you just need to add additional uniquely identifying properties, you may implement a contextArguments method on your model that returns an array of key/value pairs of data that is unique to a a model instance. These key/value pairs will be merged into the context object with your model's class and ID.

protected function contextArguments(): array
    return [
        'email' => $this->email,
Contextual Settings
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