

{note} You're browsing the documentation for an old version of laravel-form-components. Consider upgrading your project to v8. Check your version with the following command:

composer show rawilk/laravel-form-components

The input component offers an easy way to set up any type of input field for your forms. By simply setting its name attribute it also automatically defines the id and makes sure old values are respected.

The most basic usage of the component exists in setting a name attribute.

<x-input name="search" />

This will output the following HTML:

<div class="form-text-container">
    <input class="form-input form-text" name="search" id="search" type="text" />

{note} The class 'form-text' is a custom style from this package, so be sure to include the package's stylesheet in your build as well.

By default, a text type will be set for the input field as well as an id that allows it to be easily referenced by a label element.

Of course, you can also specify a type and id attribute manually too:

<x-input name="confirm_password" id="confirmPassword" type="password" />

This will output the following HTML:

<div class="form-text-container">
    <input class="form-input form-text" name="confirm_password" id="confirmPassword" type="password" />

The input component also supports old values that were set. For example, you might want to apply some validation in the backend and make sure the user doesn't lose their input data when you show the form again with the validation errors. When re-rendering the form, the input component will remember the old value.

<input class="form-input form-text" name="search" id="search" type="text" value="Eloquent" />

Note: This doesn't apply when using wire:model, as livewire will take care of setting the value instead and the component will not set the value attribute itself.

All inputs are capable of detecting if there was a validation error thrown for the given field (based off the name attribute). When there are errors for a field, the aria-invalid and aria-describedby attributes will be set on the input, and the class input-error will be added to it, allowing you to add styles targeted towards it.

<div class="form-text-container">
    <input class="form-input form-text input-error" 

The actual error message won't be rendered from the input component itself, but it can be automatically rendered for you by wrapping the <x-input /> component inside of a <x-form-group /> component. Please refer to the form-group documentation for more information.

The aria-describedby attribute takes the name attribute and appends -error to it, which will be the id given to the error message rendered by the <x-form-group /> component. If you already have aria-describedby set on the input, the attribute value will be merged with the error attribute value.

If you don't want error attributes to be added to the input, you may disable them via the show-errors attribute:

<x-input name="search" :show-errors="false" />

Both leading and trailing addons can easily be added to the input either by use of props or slots. When rendering the input, only one type of leading addon and one type of trailing addon will be rendered at a time.

A leading addon will be rendered as text on top of a light gray background at the beginning of the input. To render a leading addon, specify the text either in the leading-addon attribute or the leadingAddon slot.

Via prop:

<x-input name="url" leading-addon="https://" />

Via slot:

<x-input name="url">
    <x-slot name="leadingAddon">https://</x-slot>

Both will result in:

<div class="form-text-container">
    <span class="leading-addon">https://</span>
    <input class="form-input form-text has-leading-addon" name="url" id="url" type="text" />

Inline addon is similar to leading addon, however there is no background behind the text. You are also responsible for setting the left padding of the input to allow for enough room for your text to fit at the beginning of the input (defaults to pl-16 sm:pl-14) by setting the inline-addon-padding attribute.

You can set the inline addon by using the inline-addon attribute or the inlineAddon slot.

Via prop:

<x-input name="url" inline-addon="https://" />

Via slot:

<x-input name="url">
    <x-slot name="inlineAddon">https://</x-slot>

Both will output:

<div class="form-text-container">
    <div class="inline-addon">

    <input class="form-input form-text pl-16 sm:pl-14" name="url" id="url" type="text" />

Instead of text, you can prepend an icon to the input instead. The package is styled for blade heroicon svgs, but you are free to use whatever icons you want to.

To prepend an icon, use the leadingIcon slot:

<x-input name="url">
    <x-slot name="leadingIcon">
        icon svg...

This will output:

<div class="form-text-container">
    <div class="leading-icon">icon svg...</div>

    <input class="form-input form-text has-leading-icon" name="url" id="url" type="text" />

Like the inline addon, the trailing addon will add text directly inside of the input, but this time at the right side of the input. Also like the inline addon, you will need to specify the padding yourself (defaults to pr-12) by using the trailing-addon-padding attribute.

You can add a trailing addon by using either the trailing-addon attribute or the trailingAddon slot.

Via prop:

<x-input name="amount" trailing-addon="USD" />

Via slot:

<x-input name="amount">
    <x-slot name="trailingAddon">USD</x-slot>

Both will output:

<div class="form-text-container">
    <input class="form-input form-text pr-12" name="amount" id="amount" type="text" />
    <div class="trailing-addon">

You can append an icon to an input similar to prepending one. You can do so using the trailingIcon slot:

<x-input name="search">
    <x-slot name="trailingIcon">search icon...</x-slot>

This will output:

<div class="form-text-container">
    <input class="form-input form-text has-trailing-icon" name="search" id="search" type="text" />

    <div class="trailing-icon">search icon...</div>

{tip} The leading and trailing addons can also be applied the same way to the textarea, select, email, and password inputs provided by this package.

Form Group
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